Call to Action

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    Deep in the Sword mountains northwest of Waterdeep there lived a clan of dwarves. It was not a large clan with boisterous social status, or heaps of gold and wealth, no, this clan focused more on the tight-knit relations they had with each other. One particular dwarf among them by the name of Amora Silverheart was among wisest in her clan, despite her young age of 186, she was even thought to be next in line to take over as head of the clan with her husband Thurmac, a gem miner of 205 years. Their eldest son Brazek had moved out to find his own place in the world, their next eldest planned on doing the same within a few years and their youngest had just reached the age of fifty, still young for a dwarf.
    Thurmac was working the mines while Amira stayed with her two sons when she had a strange dream. She was in a gigantic forge, angelic dwarves with metallic skin of all kinds flying by, hammers in hand and flames dancing around them. "Welcome to the realm of Moradin." A hardy feminine voice from behind Amora said.
    Amora turned around to see a red haired dwarf wearing white and green robes with silver accents staring back at her. "Are ye..." Amora started to say, but was still in shock from what she saw around her.
"Yes child, aye am Berronar Truesilver, Matriarch of the Dwarven Pantheon," the dwarf known as Berronar stated.
"Does this mean I'm dead?" Amora stated, a pit forming in her stomach.
"No, my child. Aye simply have something aye wish to discuss with ye." Berronar stated. "Let's go somewhere more private where we can talk over a drink," Berronar stated, and with a wave of her hand the mighty forge complex shifted into a small empty tavern save for an angelic dwarf at the counter. "Give us some of the good ale, Elricson." Berronar ordered, motioning for Amora to join her at the bar. Amora obeyed and joined her goddess at the bar still amazed by what she was seeing.
Two ales were poured for the pair and was sat in front of them. "So, Amora, I've called you here because aye gots a task for ye. Ya see, there's something big coming, aye cannot go into specifics cuz it would cause a panic, but a lot of the good aligned gods of Faerun are mustering their forces, problem is we cannot get directly or openly involved, and thats where servants like ye come in. You aren't powerful enough to be seen as a direct threat yet, so our enemies would be least likely to suspect ye were working for us gods undercover. We are maneuvering our subjects to work together in teams to try and combat this new threat. I want ye to be on one of these teams, cuz believe me lass they need our guidance more than they realize." Berronar explained.
"What do aye need to do?" Amora inquired. "All's I know is a bit o' healing and some minor spells. I'm not exactly the right fit to fight in a battle."
"Amora, ye have worshipped me since ye was a wee lass, and it's time ye got what you deserved for your commitment to me cause. Follow my instructions and I'll grant ye all the power ye need." Berronar explained taking a hardy chug of ale.
"What do ye need me to do m'lady?" Amora asked preparing herself for what her goddess was about to request of her.
"There's a small town called Greenest east of Waterdeep. You'll know what ye need to do when you get there." Berronar said, a smile of confidence radiating from her face.
"What about me family, aye cannot just leave em'! Thurmac hardly knows how to cook, the boys still need their mother for guidance! What happens if I die in battle!" Amora said, starting to panic.
"Be at peace." Berronar said firmly, placing a hand on Amora's shoulder. A wave of peace and tranquility flowed throughout Amora's body as she relaxed back into her barstool." Moradin and I will ensure yer family is well taken care of in your absence. Don't worry about what will happen to you, only worry about the lives that you will save by doing me work. Now awake my child, its time for you to embark upon yer journey to Greenest." And with those words Amora felt herself fall into a void of darkness...
Amora shot up in bed, sweat dripping down her face. Was that a dream? She thought to herself, no something like that had to be divine intervention. She was being summoned to service by Berronar Truesilver herself! Leaping out of bed, Amora got dressed and started packing her clothes and other essentials into a bag of holding. Donning her full plate armor Amora walked out into their common room to see her two sons and father talking. They all looked at her with confusion and bewilderment as to why she was wearing her armor.
"Boys, Thurmac, I'm leaving the den for a while, aye cannot go into specifics, but it seems aye have been summoned for service by Berronar herself." Thurmac's face went from one of confusion to shock when he heard the name of the matriarch of the dwarven pantheon.
"How can you be sure?" Thurmac inquired. "What if it was just some bad ale?"
"If Moradin himself spoke to you in yer dreams would you question it Thurmac?" Amora stated.
Thurmac looked at the ground disappointed he had questioned the actions of a god, but still worried for the safety of his wife.
"Berronar said she would watch over ye, and aye trust her to that promise, but aye have to go to Greenest now, and ye cannot come with me, its simply too dangerous." Amora stated to her husband and two sons.
"What about you though mom?" Vomred inquired.
    "Don't worry about ye old mother darlin'. Berronar will be watching over her."
    And so, Amora left her clan with the intention of going to Greenest where she believed she would receive further instruction from Berronar. Along the way she was welcomed by many of the churches to Muriden and Berronar, all inviting her in and giving her a place to rest on her journey as she made her way east to Greenest.

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