Chapter 27

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"Uncle Nuo, did you get this by going up the mountain?" The brother and sister pair were still busy with their own work, when they heard someone's voice from outside.

Su Nuo looked up. "Oh, Su Nuan there you are."

When she heard that Su Tang stepped outside and welcomes their guest, "Su Nuan, come on in."

"Aunt Tang!" It turned out that Su Nuan had come to find Su Tang with her beloved sewing basket in her hand. When she saw Su Tanf her face broke into a big smile and as she walked in the door, she said, "I already had breakfast this morning but my parents are still asleep. I can't go back to sleep after eating and it's no fun for me to sit at home and sew alone, so I thought I could come over and talk to you for a while to refresh myself."

After Su Nuan had exchanged knowledge with Su Tang last time, the two girls had gotten closer, plus, their two families had always been very close to begin with. Su Nuan's only sister had married to another village last year when she turned sixteen and, of course, she couldn't come home to play with Su Nuan anymore. So nowadays Su Nuan didn't have many people to play with.

Recently Su Nuan had no choice but to spend every day working with her two sisters-in-law at home but, well, she was a young girl after all. Madam Wen and Madam Tong were married women, and Madam Wen was always busy taking care of her child, so even when they were together it was hardly ever convenient to even talk, much less play.

Last time, when Su Tang came over, Su Nuan discovered that she could chat with the other girl easily. Although technically they were from different generations, in actuality, they were not much difference in their ages. So Su Nuan only hesitated for a moment today before deciding to head over to Su Tang's house, after all, it was very boring to just sit and work alone.

When Su Tang heard Su Nuan's words she gave a cheerful laugh and said, "If you didn't come to me I would have come to you. I bought some coarse cloth the day before yesterday so I've been busy making two sets of clothes for Xiao Nuo and I. It's no fun to work alone so I also planned to find you to do it together. Are you willing?"

Su Nuan was surprised to hear that Su Tang was already making new clothes for herself and her brother. When Su Nuan had stepped inside the house she had already happened to see the clothes that Su Tang had been working on, because they were lying on the kang bed. She walked over to have a look and saw that, although the clothes had only just begun to be made, the stitching was very neat. She couldn't help praising, "Su Tang, you really do good work."

Su Tang laughed and thought privately, she had at least studied fashion for four years in her last life. If she couldn't even do this much, wouldn't that mean those national educational resources have been completely wasted on her?

"Well, it looks alright at least. Anyway, why don't you sit down?" Just as the two sat down together, Su Nuo finished washing the wild fruit and brought it inside. When Su Tang saw that she swiftly divided it up. Half of it was reserved for Su Nuo, while the other half she took and shared with Su Nuan.

She knew that Su Nuo would be bored at home so Su Tang told him to go out and find his little friends to play. Before he left she told him not to run around too far, not to go up the mountain, and to be sure to come back before dark.

Su Nuo quickly agreed, then wrapped up the freshly washed wild fruits and ran away.

Su Tang and Su Nuan sat together all afternoon, chatting and sewing. When Su Nuan said it was time to leave, Su Tang told the other girl that she would be making clothes at home after lunch every day for the next few days, so that Su Nuan was welcome to come over whenever she was free.

Su Nuan was still a little girl who was often bored at home so, naturally, she happily agreed before she went home. As soon as she got back she saw that the people who had been sleeping when she left were now awake. When Madam Qin saw that her little daughter came back carrying her sewing basket, she asked, "Did you go to find your Aunt Tang?"

"Yep. Aunt Tang is busy making clothes at home right now. I only taught her once but she learned so quickly that now she wants to make new clothes for herself and Uncle Nuo. Aunt Tang also told me that I could come over in the afternoons to do some sewing whenever I'm free."

Madam Qin watched warmly as her little daughter acted coquettishly. Madam Qin loved her little daughter very much, but she wasn't sure how to react to what she just heard. "OK, you can go if you like. But make sure you don't disturb your Aunt Tang."

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