chapter 13

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Sorry for not writing in a long time, I had a creative block with this story, no inspiration came. But this is the last chapter, I hope you enjoy! 

Warning: Violence and death

All the heroes stormed inside the bar. Kurogiri was about to create a portal, but the pro hero, Kamui Woods, trapped all the villains. All Might turned to his two students.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I'm here!" He exclaimed. Neither of the boys said a word.

The other pro-heroes entered from the hole. They where four in total. The where escorting the students outside when someone screamed. it was Kamui Woods. Dabi had activated his quirk and turned half of the wood into ashes. Shoto hated his fire side, and tried not to use it, but this was an emergency. Both brothers activated their quirks, burning Kamui Woods, leaving him defenless. The battle had begun. 

(please excuse me, I'm not good at writing action/fights, etc.)

The villains managed to get the fight outside the bar, for better or worse. Dabi had activated his quirk, and directed the flames towards best Jeanest, setting him on fire. One hero less to worry about.

Everything was total chaos. Villains fighting against the heroes, trying to create as much damage as possible. If the civil's lives where in danger, there was a greater possibility that the villains could escape. It wasn't going too good for either of the sides. 

Shoto had just found a way of escaping when he was blocked my All Might. 

"Shoto, my student! Don't you want to reconsider your choices? Come with us and..." All might couldn't finish his sentence, since Shoto threw a beam of sharp, deadly ice towards the number one hero. All Might had to escape, which was good news, but the ice had blocked the exit.

Shoto stood there, in a defendable spot, as he shooted ice to any hero that came close enough to him. It worked, since they either got trapped in it or had to run away, but he noticed something. The cold temperature started to go up. It wasn't freezing cold anymore. At first Shoto thought that it was his brother, Dabi, who was getting closer, but that'll be too much luck. The flames weren't electric blue, they were orange, and they shone and heated like hell. Flames that Shoto knew too well, since he had inherited them. 

"Endeavor," Shoto mumbled bitterly under his breath. His father was approaching him, heavy steps as he moved, with a determined look in his face. There was one thing sure. Shoto wasn't going to be able to escape without a fight. 

At first the young one tried to shoot the coldest, sharpest, deadliest beams of ice to his father, but they all melted before any harm could be done. The flames in Endeavor's costume had risen up, and the temperature around him seemed as real hell. He was furious. He was betrayed. And he was vengeful. 

The fight didn't last too long. Shoto tried to defend himself only using his ice side, turning his body temperature as low as possible, but balance was reached since his father's flames were too powerful. Endeavor also shoot flames towards his son, and burned some of his clothes. Shoto tried to back down, run away, but he fell and cut himself badly in his left arm. He screamed. He felt tears starting to form in his eyes. And Endeavor just stand there, watching his son suffer for the last time. But for him, Shoto was no son of his, just like Dabi.

Shoto stood up difficulty, leaning into the wall behind him, but he almost lost equilibrium again, feeling one of the sharp blades of ice he had created before poking him in the back. He quickly applied a bit of frost in his wound. The ice burned a bit, but the anaesthetic effect was bigger than the burning sensation. 

Endeavor got closer and closer, his steps slow but steady. He knew Shoto couldn't escape, and even if his intention wasn't killing him, he wanted to hurt his son so he learned the lesson. 

The pro-hero shot a beam of fire, and Shoto, who had managed to advance a few steps, tried his last chance, and shot fire back. It didn't work. By shooting the beam of fire, he burnt the cut that he had made in his arm, and it wasn't strong enough to beat Endeavors. The sudden change of body  temperature didn't help either, as the boy felt how his muscles tensed and stretched and it hurt like hell. And if it wasn't enough, the energy of Endeavor's beam of fire pushed the young one backwards, stabbing himself in the guts with the wall of pointy ice he had created behind him.

He creado. It was an infernal scream, full of pain and anger and suffering. 

His eyes watered, his vision blurred.

His ice quirk activated, and frost spread all around him, freezing the environment around him, but that didn't stop the blood from neither of his wounds. Pain, pain, pain. 

His senses started to become blurry. He couldn't see, only colours and lights and dim shapes. 

He moved his arm towards his stomach. He couldn't feel it, but the arm still moved. His fingers sensed the sharp ice, and the warm blood. Blood, blood, blood. 

The kid moved his head aside, seeing a blue flash come by. Then he heard a distant cry. It was familiar. His head felt numb. 

Someone came by. Black, purple, blue... Someone touched him. The face came closer to his eyesight. Dabi?

There was screaming, crying, something. Shoto looked down. Blood, blood, blood. Blood in his clothes, in his arms, in his chest... Everything was red. 

He couldn't feel.

Couldn't see.

Couldn't hear.

Couldn't talk.

Just wait.

'Till the end.

The pain dimmed.

His head fell.

And with the corner of his eyes.

Last thing that the boy saw,

Last thing that the boy heard,

Last thing that the boy felt,

Was the hug of his long lost brother, saying goodbye for the last time.

And... That's all! I killed my son! I'm ready for the hate, I feel like I betrayed y'all readers. Again, sorry for not posting much, and sorry for killing Shoto. Well, I'm not sorry, I had it planned since the beginig, but still. Hope you enjoyed reading this...? 😅 


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