Chapter 2

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I'm soooo sorry that it's been a while. Lol. Me and my friend have been working really hard on this story and Love at A distance. I'm hoping to have the new chapter of Love At A distance up, soon!!!!! Tomorrow, if possible. And I'm going to try and  upload this story, and Love At A distance, more often. So enjoy!!!!!



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"Taylor!" A high pitched squeal, rang out across the field.

"That's my cue." He sighed.

"Girlfriend, awaits."

He smiled, in apology, and turned and ran off after his girlfriend.

Shelby. Prom queen, two years in a row, and the most popular girl in school. Typical right? 

I sighed, and got in my car.

This was bound to be a long school year.

Chapter 2.

I sighed, and tapped my fingers across the table. Taylor was supposed to be here, an hour ago. He was probably with his girlfriend, which was no surprise to me. He was always with her. It was my birthday, and he was with his girlfriend. At least what’s what I assumed. He promised he would meet me here, at 8:00. But where was he? Well, he wasn’t here.

I was getting frustrated with him. He always did this to me. It didn’t matter occasion it was. He always forgot. Always.

I got up from my seat, which was in a booth, in the corner of mine and Taylor’s favorite restaurant. I pulled my jacket on, and then made my way to the doors, planning to just go straight home, and confront Taylor in the morning, even though I knew what he was going to say. 

“Mam?” A gentle voice asked from behind me.

I turned around and came face to face, with a blonde haired, blue eyed boy. He looked to be around 16, or 17. So not to young. He was short and lanky, and his hair was cropped short. He had a nametag on his shirt, which was a reminder that he worked here.

“Yes?” I asked, politely.

“You forgot your bill.” He said, smiling .

“Oh. Right. Sorry.” I told him, smiling shyly.

I reached into my purse, and pulled out $15. Sure that was more than I had bought, but he was sweet. So leaving a big tip, wouldn’t hurt.

He took it from me, and then looked up at me, smiling. 

“Thank you.” He said.

“Your welcome.” I told him, smiling.

He nodded, and I turned around and headed for the door again.

“Mam?” He called again.

“Yes?” I asked, turning around so that I could face him

“He doesn‘t know what he‘s missing.” He stated, his eyes scanning my face, as if searching for something.

“What do you mean?” I asked, frowning.

“The boy who ditched you.” He said, gently.

I scanned his face, and wondered how he knew that. I had been ditched. If ditched was even the right term for it. 

“How did…How did you know that?” I asked, hesitantly.

“Well, you obviously wouldn’t have came solo. Your too pretty for that.” He said, his blue eyes watching my face.

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