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i have moved all my life and and by the age of 16 i was on my own my mum and dad died in a car accident on their way to pick me up from my friends house after that i have moved about 12 times. i am 18 now and tomorrow is my first day at my new school yes you guessed it i am going in midsemester i have two jobs here in syndy i work in hot topic and areopostal but i only like my job at hot topic i am more of a goth kind of girl but i need both jobs to keep my apartment i Will walk to school every day because i don't like cars much. oh by the way my name is Dana. i just finished unpacking all my stuff and i am going to sleep because i am extremely tired and dare i say it have school tomorrow.

the next day

i like up to the annoying sound of my stupid alarm clock. i picked my self out of bed and looked for some clothes to wear . I picked out my black sweatshirt and some black skinny jeans with my black combat boots . i guess you can say i like the color black. Walked into the small bathroom and brushed my hair and m teeth and put on a bennie and it was black . " my hair is getting to light i need more purple die to make it dark again." i said to myself

i am not a big fan of the shade of light purple my hair was right now. i walked into the small living area and yanked my phone off of its charger and grabbed my bag and a banana and walked out of the door.

i put in my earbuds and started blasting stuff like all time low,blink 182,green day,

just pop rock stuff like what i was very happy that the school is only 5 minutes in walking distance away from my new home. i walked onto school campus and saw there was hardly and people here. there were a few couples making out which was gross then there was some people doing homework which i am guessing was do that day . i sat down by a tree still listing to music . as more people arrived more people stared at me . soon enough the bell rand and i put my phone in my back pocket and my earbuds i put them in my back pocket and i took out my scedual my first class was math great my leaste favorite class. i walked into the classroom and if i had a dollar for every dirty look i got for the way i look i would be rich.

" hi you are our new student Dana right?" the teacher asked " yes but please don't say my name or introduce to the class" i said trying to sound nice " sure thing " she said with a smile i walked to the only free seat which was in a table full of cheerleaders i sat down and that was followed by a bunch of dirty looks and heartless laughs and whispers i rolled my eyes. as the class went on one of the cheerleader turned to me messages " whats your name? " she said harshly " why do you care? " i spat " just trying to be nice to the new goth " she spat " shut up barbie" i said

she gave me another dirty look rolled her eyes and turned around. with that the bell rang my next class was gym ugh. i walked into the gym and i was told to go in the locker room and there would be a uniform waiting for me in locker 262 and they gave the combination i walked in there and once again i got alot of dirty looks from the girls i know why i got the dirty looks i was different looking then them . i opened my locker and went into a bathroom stall and changed into a pair of black basketball shorts and a white t shirt i walked out and put my cloths and my combatboots in my locker and locked it i took my black vans out of my backpack and put them on i walked out of the girls locker room and took my seat on the bleachers i was sat next to a jock and his friends one of them looked at me and put his hand on my upper thigh and said

" hey babe i am jack ways your name" me said smoothly

i gave him.a disgusted look and slapped his hand as hard as i could he pulled his hand back in pain

" my name is none of your business and if you ever touch me again i Will slit you throat " i said angrily

after that he was quite and so was quite the pe teachers told us we could go outside so i did but i just sat on the grass until they called us in to go get changed back into our cloths. when i was done changing the bell rang and my next class was history nothing much happened in that class then i had lunch but the food was gross so i did not eat my next class was art there was alto of dirty looks but there was on boy who sat across from me with dirty blond hair and had a emo fringe cut for his hair he did not give me any dirty looks he just kept looking up at me and he smiled that class ended and i had a free period yes. i walked into the court yard and that boy jack came up to me and pulled me close to him but before i could react he smashed his lips into mine i tried to wiggle free but he was to strong i bit his bottom lip and he pulled away and i looked at him and his lip was bleeding i slapped him leaving my handprint on his face he pushed me back and i stumbled and fell and he picked me up and pushed me into the wall and punched my square in the face. i felt my nose start to bleed people gathered around us and chanted

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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