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MA= Marinette

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N-" just like his father."

M- "oblivious."


M-"Time for the guest"

MA-"Almost done and perfect."( turn around) "This explains here my other designs went"

G-"Let me see that" (what he saw)

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G-"you will make a fine wife for my son don't you agree Nathalie."

N-" Y-Yes sir."

G-"I said call me Gabriel."

N-"O-Okay si-Gabriel."


MA-"Are you two dating?"


N-"(under her breath) "I wish"

MA-"I heard that"(pushes him on top of her)

N-(turns scarlet red)

G- (dies)


Nathalie, Gabriel, and Adrien  react to Gabenath and adrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now