Chapter 4-ABCD

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Kat's POV

My head hurts.

I bring my hands up to my face as I softly groan in pain.

It's been over 2 weeks since the whole incident outside and let's just say Roland was less than pleased when my teachers dropped me off at the mansion.

But they haven't touched me yet, so that's a plus.

Right now I am in the car on my way to school with Davina while the guys are at home right now because Ethan fell ill last week, Luke is shopping for more clothes, and Bellamy is caring for Ethan.

I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach right now.

Sensing my uneasiness Davina lifts my hand and holds it.

While she holds my hand she also sits them onto her stomach and I feel a kick.

My mood lifts up slightly and then I feel a kick sending a soft grin on my face and then 2 sets of feet kick at the same time.

It's two?

The thought sends a full blown smile ok my face and I look at Davina.

"Awesome!" I say and she laughs at me.

The driver drops us off same time same routine as the many months and years before.

We walk in school hand in hand and then say our goodbyes.

My class is full by the time I enter and my seat is being preoccupied by Izzy.


Sitting in the only free seat which is by the teacher I ignore all of the stares on my back.

Ugh, I just want to get this day over with.

The bell rings and in comes the teacher.

He's wearing a nice suit, and his hair
looks nice too.

"So I thought today, I could have an assistant come up and help me today." All the girls immediately raised their hands except me of course.

"Meeeee, oh meeee!"
"Thank you, umm yeah!"
"Yes please!"

I don't know why they are so interested I roll my eyes, Girls am I right?

I look towards 'Aiden' and he looks amused which means he saw my reaction to them.

"Actually, I already have one." He says trying to hold in a chuckle at the reactions of my fellow pupils, all he does is wave his hand up and waits.

I sit there for a second before looking behind me and seeing two different guys coming from each side of me.

The Fudgeeeeeee?????

"These are Nick and Brad." I once again roll my eyes, such a liar.

No offence to anyone really, it's just who would actually have all of these original names anymore unless they were maybe older by a few years?

Putting my head on my desk I inwardly groan at the pain I am getting by my throbbing head.

My eyes also burn because I stayed up late last night taking care of Ethan, and also I have on my contacts.

It makes it look like my eyes are much darker than they are also so nobody knows about my heterochromia eyes.

In kindergarten I used to get bullied a lot about them and right now the people I go to school with are as immature as their younger selves.

"-for the rest of the year, so your in for one hell of a year."Aiden says.

The class laughs and then Aiden tells us to get in groups of 4.

Even though this class is huge and has 27 including me, I am still left with no partner as usual.

I just end up sitting amused for the next 20 minutes while everybody talks to their group.

Once everyone has their partners Aiden begins to number the groups and gives them an assignment that is due by the end of next month.

He soon reaches me after everyone has left the classroom to go to the library, and the computer lab.

Now the only people left is Aiden, Nick, Brad and I.

"-Nanananananannananbabababababababalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa." I hear making me turn my head slowly toward the source of the sound.

"Shut the fuck up!" 'Aiden' says.

The two just sit silently after that but give eachother a weird look before eventually shrugging their shoulders and turning towards us.

"Okay,  what we are going to do is gather up all of the information we can based off of the holocaust." He says.

"Excuse me, I already know everything about the holocaust, sir." I tell him quietly and with my head down to avoid eye contact.

Sometimes people can see my real eye color which leads to questions.

"Okay, well then I am going to give you a test on it, but it's not online or on paper this is mainly me asking you questions. "As he is saying this I just nod my head and eventually look up at him but not directly.

"How many people died in the holocaust?"

"11 million, 6 million Jews and 5 million Non-Jews. " I say.

"Okay, How many concentration camps were there?"

"23 main camps but 44000 concentration camps in total."

"Which camp was liberated first and where was it located?"

Too Easy.

"The Ohrdruf camp, which was also one of the Buchenwald camps located in Thuringia, Germany on April 4th 1945. The liberation was led by General Joseph Cutrona and his U.S. Troops." I let out a breathe after that one since it was a long answer.

This goes on until the bell rings indicating class is over I pack my stuff up and leave without saying goodbye but I could feel them staring.

"Davina?" I whisper into the darkness noticing she's missing from the bed.

Right now it's really late at night, and I am trying to get to the bathroom where she could possibly be.

I open the door and see that she is on the floor passed out by the bathtub.

Closing the door behind me softly I sight and clean up the mess all over the floor.

She didn't make it in time and got some throw up in the floor but it's fine I got her.

"Wake up come on."I say.

After she wakes up she ends up adjusting passing out again but we ended up getting her undressed and into the bathtub.

"It's okay, I got you." I say as I sit listening to her cry because of the pain she's in.

"Shhhhh, I got you."I whisper in her ear as she whimpers in pain.

"I'm okay, now, it was just Braxton hicks. " She says, and I believe her I help her finish the bath and then dry her off and help her put on her clothes.

When she falls asleep I slowly get out of bed as to not wake her and then head downstairs.

This is my chance to make a plan and get her out of here before she has the babies.

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