chapter 2

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I got up completely naked. I covered my self with my tail. I blushed a bright red and put my clothes on. We walked down stairs and eat breakfast. I drove him to school and we hung out till we had ti go to class. We meet after school and we drove to my house. My parents came out side and were glad to meet him. They talked while I went up stairs and grabbed my guitar and amp. I walked back down stairs and put my stuff in my car. My parents walked him back outside and we drove off. When we arrived at Kino De Toten and we setup before everyone showed up. We got everything setup and opened the bar. People started to come in and sit down. Izac just started working for me at the club. He's the new bartender. He loved working at the club cause he could hear me play live and be with me all night. He smiles at me every time I look at him. I played a couple of songs and we closed up for the night. I drove him home and kissed him good night. As I drove home my mom met me at the door and she said. I'm proud of thou son. I said for. For what. For finding someone that loves you. Thanks mom. I said. I walked up stairs and went to sleep. The next morning we didn't have school so I drove over to Izac house and brought my guitar along with me. We just sat there and talked and played music. I put my guitar away and laid there on his bed holding him in my arms. He looked at me and smiled. We feel asleep that night with each other in our arms. I woke up and got in the shower. I got in and started the water. Izac followed me in and wrapped me in a hug. Good morning. I said. He smiled and said. Good morning to you to. I turned around and kissed him. He blushed bright red and smiled real wide. We walked out if the shower together. We dried off and put on our clothes and went to school. I hung out with him until the bell rung and drove him home after school. Our schedule was wake up, get dressed, go to school, when go to the club. St school we stayed together until time for class. After school we stayed together for he rest of the day. Ee stayed up sly night talking about what we were going to do Saturday and we agreed to go to the park. I went to sleep st his house in the room across from his. When I woke up he was sitting on the end if the bed holding my hand. I looked at him and smiled. He looked down at me and said. Let's just lay here please. I said. Sure any thing you want. He said down beside me and held me tell we feel ack asleep. We woke up about two hours later dun still shining with a clear blue sky. We got dressed and ran outside. Izac and I spent the entire day outside. I ran back in and grabbed my guitar and car keys. We packed every thing up sad went on a little road trip. We decided to go camping in wolf den park fir the night. We would be back home in the morning. We got home some were around midnight. I drove him home and walked his inside. I pissed him and said. Good bye. He hugged me and kissed me then said. Good bye. I drove home y'at nought with a smile on my face. I said to myself. I finally found someone that loves me. I started blush bright red. I parked outside the garage and grabbed my guitar and amp. I started uo he stairs and into my bed room. Then my mom chalked my name.Yes mom. I said. How was your food trip with Izac. She asked. I said. We had fun. Ok good night. She said. I laud down in my bed with out saying a word and went to sleep. That night I had a dream that we got married and moved in with each other. The next morning I woke uo yo text frkn Izac. Ignore said. Good morning babe I hope you have a wonderful day. I replied. Good morning hits my little wolf this morning. We talked fir about an hour. Then I git in my car and drive to thus house. He met me at the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his living room. We sat there and I just played my guitar for a while. After that we sat there and talked then I leaned in and kissed him. I decided we should take this to the bed. So we walked up stairs and laid there on the bed. He took off all of clothes and I find the same. I kissed him softly on the check. He looked surprised but then he grabbed me by my hips and lifted me on to his lap. I laid my head down on his chest and said. Izac your so cute. He blushed. We then stripped out of our underwear. We had sex for forty-five minutes straight. It was my first time to. I came all over his face. He smiled and licked his nose. He stated into my eyes. I then got up and started towards the shower. But he pulled me back to the bed and said. We ain't done yet. Then he sat on my chest and worked his way down my body. He inserted my disk into his ass and started to go up and down. My face turned bright red. I cured he whole time he was doing this to me. When he went down this time I came sly in his ass hole. He laid his head down on my shoulder and said I love you Curt. I pulled out and said. I'm going to take a shower wanna come with me? He said. Sure. We proceeded to the shower. I turned on the hot water and waited about ten minutes. We both stepped in and I pinned him to the wall. As the warm water wet our fur I just said there on his muscular chestand watched him carefully. He picked me up by my hips and then kissed me. I glared into his midnight blue eyes and then said. Will you always be there for me. He said. Of course I will. He out ne down and I feel. He caught me but was surprised we're his dick was. My mouth was open and had successfully put his disk in my mouth with out trying. He looked down and smiled. He pushed my head inwards to make me suck his dick. I proceeded get on my knees and it with out him having to make me. He came in my mouth after about twenty minutes and I swallowed every bit of cumm. He it out very carefully send got out of the shower. I turned off the water and did he same. I found him jn age bed room outing on his clothes. So I walked into age room and out mine on. I looked at him and said. That was my first time ever doing that and it was fun. He said. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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