The Morning

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I woke up, like any normal day. I lay up and pulled the duvet out from my legs uncovering my bare body. Looking around my room I discovered the clothes i had laid to one side for me to wear today. Standing up was no easy feat, I was particularly tired today due to the lack of sleep I had. I walked towards my clothes and picked them up and as I did the usual creak from the  ancient floor made its presence known. It was like that all around the house now. I'd lived in this house with my family now for nearly 11 years and I knew about every creak in the floor, every dent in the wall and every rooms layout. Except for one room. My father never allowed me in that room. Anyway, I got changed and prepared myself for breakfast, father would be displeased if i was ill prepared again. Recently father has been quite on edge, however i cannot understand why. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of my father's deep voice.
"Breakfast" He bellowed load enough that the whole country could hear.
"Coming" I replied
I raced down the stairs as quickly as i could every step creaking as i go.

Everyone is already seated at the table, my families grim faces look at me with hatred. I don't know what I did to deserve this discrimination. Is it my age, my face, my height, my name? I guess i'll never know. Slowly I approached the table with caution, my heart pounding at the thought of my fathers words.
"Sit!" He snapped
Quietly i seated myself. Looking down on my plate it is clear what they think of me. Some scrambled eggs. Whereas everyone else gets a full english breakfast. I look out the window of the dining room the sun peaking over the horizon, it's a foggy day. Quite fitting for my mood really. My life is a misery. My father hates me. My mother hates me. My brother and sister hate me. I'm hated by my family. I hear the sound of my family fork against plate stuffing their mouths with food, I look down on my plate and eat my food.

Once breakfast was over I felt as if i had been released from hell. Hastily i made my way back upstairs to my room to study, it may be a Saturday but that doesn't mean anything to my parents, in their eyes i must have good grades. I began to study.

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