Soldier, Poet, King

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I put Jack in his crib. "Hey kiddo." I smile. I look at Toni. "I know you don't want to hear this but I think you should let Moose see him." She whispers. "I don't know if that's the best thing to do." I whisper. "Cheryl, he's going crazy! I have to deal with it everyday at football practice!" She explains. "I'll think about it." I say quietly. I look at her. She nods. "Yeah!" She whispers.

Moose sits next to me. "Can I see him?" He ask quietly. "Maybe." I whisper not looking up from my work. I look at her. "He needs his dad." He says quietly. "Toni's a better parent than you." I whisper. "You never let me see him!" I look at him. "Well, maybe if you were there when I was pregnant I would be happy to let you see him!" I say pissed. I get up. "Come over tomorrow after practice." I tell him. I grab my bag and walk out. Toni tosses me her keys. "I'll pick you up at 4." She nods. She steps closer to me. "What?" I ask quietly. "I love you." She whispers before pulling me into a kiss. "I love you too baby." She smiles and raps her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I take a deep breath and get a whiff of her vanilla perfume. We pull away and kiss again. "I have to get to practice." She says starting to walk away. I grab her hand. "What?" She ask smiling. "For some reason my brain short circuited and I invited Moose over to see Jackson so don't be surprised if he's happy." She smiles. "Finally." She kisses me before running off. I go and pick Jack up from my aunts house. She's been watching him for me when I'm at school. She works from home so it's easier for her. "Thanks for watching him." She smiles. "Of course." She smiles.

I hand Jack to Moose. "Why did you name him Jack?" He ask, his eyes not leave our kid. "Because Toni tired to name him after every character in Harry Potter." I say. Toni smiles. "Yeah I did." I flip her off. "Thanks." She kisses me. "He has your eyes." Moose whispers. I nod.

I walk into the bedroom. "I'm proud of you." Toni whispers. "Why?" I ask quietly. "You let Moose see Jackson." She whispers. "I finally had enough of him asking." She smiles. "He's gonna ask again." I take a deep breath. "Shit." I whisper. "I'm not gonna tell you how to raise your kid and what I'm about to say is kinda homophobic, but, Jack needs his dad. I'm not his parent! He has a dad who wants to be in his life. Let him. I never got that and honestly it's one of the only things I want." She explains. I nod. "You're right." I whisper. She pulls me into a kiss. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too baby." I kiss her back. I straddle her. Jack starts crying. "Come on! I wanna get some pussy!" I groan. She laughs quietly. "Go help your son." She whispers. I walk out and get Jack. "Hey kiddo." I smile picking him up. "You're hungry aren't you?" I ask smelling his diaper. I feed him and put him back in his crib. I walk back into the bedroom. I close the door. "Still in the mood?" I ask her. "Are you?" She ask biting her lip. I look at the time. "We can knock one out before Jackson wakes up." I say quietly. She grabs my hands and pulls me closer. I straddle her. We make out for a bit, all of our clothes end up somewhere on the floor. I pull away. "Lie back." I whisper pushing her back gently. She lies back, I slowly pull down her underwear. I kiss up her thighs and start eating her out. I grabs my hair moaning loudly. I pop my head up. "You need to be quiet!" She nods. I go back to her pussy and continue eating her out. "Ch-Cheryl! Oh m-my god!" She moans. She cums in my mouth.

Moose sits in front of me. "What now?" I ask quietly getting up and grabbing one of the books I need. "This is gonna sound weird but I know you and Toni love each other and you guys probably want privacy. So I was wondering if and when you would let me have him overnight?" I take a deep breath. "What about your parents?" I ask quietly. "My parents kicked me out a year ago." I look at him. "Because of Jackson?" He shakes his head. "No, they-." He stops to makes sure no one is looking. "They found out about me and Kev." He whispers. I nod. "I've been staying with him since." He adds. "In the future. Just not yet." I say quietly. He nods. "It's not your fault, I don't even leave Toni with him all night, I'm just not ready for that yet. I only leave him with my aunt." He nods again. "I'm still technically breastfeeding." I whisper. "What do you mean technically?" He ask. "Well, he won't latch. So I have to bottle feed him but I still have to pump." He nods confused. "You know, if you actually went to the parenting classes you would know what is happening." I say grabbing my bag. "Can I see him today?" He ask quietly. I nod. "You can come over, just give me like an hour to get my shit together." He nods. "I'll be there around 6." I nod. "Cool." I smile. The bell rings and leave the library. I look at him. "You ok?" I ask quietly. "How did you know that it was the right time to come out?" He ask. I take a deep breath. "I didn't have a choice." I say before leaving.

I walk into the trailer. "Hey babe." I look at Toni. "You really don't trust me alone with Jack for more than a few hours?" She says smiling a bit. "I- it's just- you know." She nods. "I get it." She says standing up. "It's hard leaving your kid." She whispers taking my hands. "I'm sorry." I whisper. "I get it." She pulls me into a kiss. "Jackson is sleeping." I look at her. "Your aunt is hot." She whispers. "If you someone killed you at the moment I wouldn't be sad." She smiles. "Love you too baby." She says kissing me. "Moose is gonna come over, I told him he can come over when he wants just needs to tell me." She nods. "I know." She whispers.


I lie Jack down on the play mat. He plays with the dangly toys over him. "He's your kid." I look at Cheryl. "Do you think I'm doing a good job?" She ask quietly. I nod. "You're the best." I whisper. "But I let him go almost 2 years without seeing his dad!" I take a deep breath. "Cheryl! You didn't trust Moose!" I whisper. "Now he will have his dad and he is loved! By you, Moose, me even." I explain. "Cheryl! Jack will be fine!" I whisper pulling her into a kiss. "You're doing better than my parents did, you're doing better than your parents did. Cheryl! You are an amazing mom! Even if you don't think you are." I say quietly. "You think?" I nod. "I know!" I whisper. There's a knock in the door. "Moose." I say as Cheryl gets it. Moose comes in.

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