The mouths

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No matter how right you are, no matter how true you have been, if people don’t like something...they will make up stories. The only wrong you did was doing something they didn’t like... Something that was wrong according to them... And just because something doesn’t fit their scooped out minds,  you become the culprit.
You will meet such people every other day and sometimes you won’t realise that you had actually being taming a Brutus! 
It’s not your fault. Not in any corner. The fault is in their diminishing minds. Do what you feel is right, keeps you happy and maintains you self esteem. Don’t ever lower your voice or let your actions be crushed. People who love you will never judge you and the ones who do,  never trult loved you. So stop crying over such morons. They will just give you swollen eyes and a pained heart. They will never understand your intentions behind your action and even if you try an explanation... They will eat you up will the so called proofs as  if it is not your life and some criminal case. 

Just know one thing... It’s your life and you are the sole decider of what you wanna do with it. Don’t let people’s illness of mind doom your desires. Sometimes you will have to fight strangers and sometimes, your loved ones.  But don’t get are born to conquer and even if you don’t do conquer...don’t let anyone make you feel lost. This is not a circus going on that everyone else except you will decide what to do with your life.. Nor you are the joker who performs to make everyone smile. If God gives you a hundred smiles to distribute, firstly save one for yourself.

At some time you will feel isolated.. this hits real hard and you will go through all this beacause of what people think. Remember you are a culprit and will be treated as one only until you don’t agree to be their puppets... But, never be one. Don’t lose your identity. It is quite easy to just agree and do what people want and be in their good books and avoid bullies... But trust me you fail to recognize yourself if you look into the mirror. Your life will just be like a degree that has a certificate for your name...but the course would be an ammalgamation of choices forced upon you. 

Be a sun and burn them all... And lastly, a true fact indeed , "the ones who are yours will always stick to you and the ones who don’t, were never yours".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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