~how you met~

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Harry: You met in Divination. Harry was about to fail the class so you offered to tutor him until his grades went up.

Good Godric, I'm going to fail. Harry thought as Professor Trelawney set down his most recent quiz, his fourth Poor in two weeks.

"What'd you guys get? I got E." Y/f/n asked everyone at Harry's table

"O" Y/n replied

"A" Ron answered

Harry was afraid to answer, but he didn't want to seem suspicious. "P" Harry frowned.

"I could help you ya know. I'm excellent at Divination." Y/n offered

"I wouldn't want to bother..."

"You wouldn't be bothering me," y/n interrupted. "Wednesdays and Fridays, library at 7 work for you?"

"Um, yeah. Thank you."

"See you tomorrow then"

Ron: In the Gryffindor common room. But, you didn't get to know each other until Ron and Harry's fight in GoF when you consoled him.

What type of potion does Golpalott's Third law pertain to? Antidotes. Y/n answered on her homework.

"Excuse me?" Y/n turned around and saw a boy with long bright red hair. He must be a Weasley. Ron Weasley. She thought. Y/n had met Ron before, but she never really got to know him. She knew his older brothers of course (who didn't) but Ron was still semi-unfamiliar to her. He was, however, much cuter than any of his older brothers.

"Yes?" Y/n asked.

"Could you possibly give this letter to Harry Potter? He should be passing by here soon. And if you could not tell him it's from me, that would be great too." Ron held the letter out.

"Yeah, sure." Y/n grabbed the letter from his hand, their fingers brushing lightly. Ron blushed. "It's not a love letter is it?" Y/n joked.

"No, no, no." Ron shook his head. "I hate Harry."

"I thought you guys were best mates," You commented. Ron continued to shake his head. "Well, hate is a strong word. Do you want to talk about it?"

"Actually, that would be really nice."

Draco: You met Draco when you missed the staircase to your next class, and he showed you a shortcut so you wouldn't be late.

Y/n raced to the staircase, knowing it would move soon. This staircase was particularly tricky because it only led to one place, and for the most part, it kept a schedule, the staircase would move every day at 1:15.

However, sometimes (only once in a blue moon) this staircase would move late, or early. Today, was one of those days. Y/n was already running behind because she had lent her books to a friend who was late to return them. On a normal day, y/n still would have made it to the staircase just in time. But today, It left 43 seconds early. So, y/n watched all her friends and classmates climbing to the classroom without her.

"Was that your staircase?" Draco Malfoy turned into the hallway y/n was standing in.

"Unfortunately, yes." Y/n sighed, turning to leave the hallway, so she wouldn't be late when she felt a hand on her arm.

"I know a shortcut to that class. If you follow me, you won't be late." Normally y/n wouldn't just follow someone through the castle, but she recognized this boy from her class (who wouldn't remember a cute boy with bleached blonde hair?)

"Okay, thanks."

"Anytime. Name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Draco held out his hand

Y/n shook his extended hand "Y/n L/n."

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