Save me, save you

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Forth was the perfect man. He was strong, kind-hearted, handsome, smart, and had good leadership. He was very loyal to his men and wouldn't hesitate to jump in a fight against ten people if they were even thinking about touching his people.

Engineer students were known as cheesy men when they were in love. But until they find their perfect, partner, most of them were players. They went from girls to girls or boys to boys, depending on their preferences, and always warn their new fling that nothing more was to be expected from this relationship. His boys also made sure to always ask them if they were taken beforehand.

Sometimes they lied, sometimes they didn't but still begged for a night with the rough but loving engineer boys of their university. It caused many fights among them and other faculties because they didn't like how they made their partners cheat, their words.

One of Forth's only mistake, however, was women. He used to be a player like his boys but fell in love with a beautiful girl studying journalism at his university. He gave everything he could to her and that was the best relationship he ever had for at least a year.

Then she turned nasty. She became needy but to a point it was toxic. She made him drop everything he was doing just to bring her a drink or to drive her somewhere, threatening him with hurtful words and promises to break up with him if he didn't do what she wanted. She cheated and made her way through it with loving words and kisses.

She hit him and Forth couldn't bring himself to hit a girl back. He put through it because he loved her and thought she would change, journalism is a very demanding course and students were competitive: she was stressed.

But it's been a year. Forth lost his stunning smile, his muscles, and a lot of weight, he had bruises on his face and tears always threatening to fall from his eyes that were not shinning anymore. His friends told him countless times to leave her as they grew more and more worried about him. He was not himself anymore.

The following year, he would most likely be hazing the freshmen. He needed his thick skin back. But Forth could not get angry at anyone. He was tired all the time, he tried to hide his red eyes and pale skin with glasses and a bit of convenience store makeup.

His other friends, Pha, Kit, and Beam, got worried when he stopped coming to the bar with them every week like he used to. When he was there, he had to sit with his girlfriend and buy her and her friends every drink they wanted, watch her dance with other men and sometimes kiss them and have sex with them while he just sat, swiping his card every now and then. He didn't interact with his friends at all, just to avoid a beating from her.

Despite his friends' advice, Beam grew more and more tired of it and started collecting proofs to expose her and to report her to the authorities. She had to be thrown in jail."Forth, we're going to med to eat, do you wanna come?"

The-said-Forth looked up from his books, smiling weekly and politely declining the invitation. He was occupying his free time by studying for an exam he would have later in the week, as he knew he wouldn't have the time to do so in his evenings. "Sorry guys, I need to work."

His friends felt bad about leaving him alone, but they were also worried about his health. They quickly texted their med student friends to join them here instead as they suddenly felt the urge to take care of their unofficial leader. "Then we'll stay here." Lam, Forth's best friend, sad.

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