Chapter 11: It's okay now

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The air is at a standstill.

Athy stood not knowing how she should react and he was not moving either, still with a shocked look on his face. She doesn't know how grave his father's situation is and she knows it better not to ask but he should go there right now.

"You should q-quickly go," she stammered a bit, carefully chosen words were spoken full of worry and concern. She was about to remove her helmet when she saw-

-his hands shaking.

Oh, no. What to do? Her mouth quivered, she has never been in such a situation such as this. Biting her lips, she

"I will go with you. Come on," she clasped his trembling hand, not offering any words like 'it'll be alright' irresponsibly. She carefully nudged him while putting the helmet over his head, "I can drive, just tell me the directions."

And just like that he snapped out of it, from the fact that she buckled him and her offer that came out of nowhere. "Ah, no. I can drive. I'll do it."

Swiftly, he sat on the front followed by Athy behind shortly.

The drive seemed to be longer. She couldn't even hear the surroundings due to her pounding heart, and the stiff air didn't help at all to calm her down.

A few stoplights later that made her more anxious and impatient, they finally arrived at the place.

Athy has never been here before but she knows this quite well, this is the best and biggest private hospital in the city. The building looked enormous and intimidating, she could only swallow nervously as they walked towards it with him leading the way.

The automated doors quickly gave them way as they passed. The smell of alcohol and disinfectant, nurses running about and patients and visitors alike bustled the well lit reception area.

As they walked further, the receptionists and nurses on the front desk noticed them and gasped with worried faces.

"Lucas-sama!" A nurse called as she approached him. Athy slowed down her pace as she was slowly left behind, the nurse filled him up as they quickened their pace in a haste. "The director is at Room- His vitals are better now-" she could barely hear them talking as they retreated.

She came to a halt knowing it's no longer her place to butt in, sighing in relief knowing that it's not as grave as death. But of course, it's not any better, she could only silently pray that everything will be alright somehow.

Taking a seat at the lounge, she rested her body that was so tense from the ordeal. Everything happened so fast also..

The nurses know him and addressed him quite importantly... and the most obvious thing is the nurse calling his father the director.

'The hospital director's son... somehow, I knew he wasn't an ordinary person. And I already knew he was taking chemistry to enter med school from the rumors.'

'But he's already living quite a comfortable life, so why is he working at the cafe?' Athy thought possible reasons, it's either he has a lot of free time and is bored or he wants to earn money for himself or both.

It was quite amazing, because even Athy never thought of doing part time despite her family disposition.


She glanced up at the white ceiling while the buzzing of the background filled her ears. Somehow, she's learning a lot of things about him and at the same time more questions add up. Clearing her mind, she decided to think about this tomorrow. It's quite late now, she has to go home first.

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