Grievous X Krell

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I was in a battle when I first saw him. He has four arms, like me, and has not one, but TWO DOUBLE BLADED sabers. I fell in love. He will make a fine addition to my collection.

There he was, the infamous General Grievous. I led a group of Skywalker's clones again. (I kinda killed all the rest oops.) The General was punishing and killed a group of his own droids. This was the moment I knew we were meant to be. He walked over to me.

"Why, Hello There, General Krell. *cough cough* Your sabers would be a fine addition to my collection," I stated. He smiled, his teeth gleaming in the light. "Well, I was hoping you would ask. General Skywalker is currently busy, anyways," he laughed.

He must have asthma. He was coughing. Or have a disease. He looked part cyborg, so I would assume that he just needed a new set of lungs. Well, if he has lungs, of course.

I lunged at Krell. He blocked my saber, and took it from me in one of his free hands. A clone came near him, and then ran away knowing that he would be killed if he got any closer.

"CT-5555 where is Skywalker?" I asked to the retreating ARC trooper. "He is over there near that ship, sir," Fives replied. Grievous continued slashing at me, and I blocked every one. He was harming more of his pathetic droids than was scarring me. His eyes turned maniacal and he coughed yet again.

That random clone left, and a random group of droids were yelling 'roger, roger!' Dooku could have told the Geonosians to program hundreds of code phrases but all they say is 'roger roger.' Stupid droids. I slashed through more, and Krell was meanwhile telling clones to do suicidal missions.

This General Grievous, he is much like me. The arms, the hatred for the clones and droids, and the lightsaber colors. He is a tall cyborg and he would be a great ally.

Krell was looking at me dreamily. Maybe we feel the same about each other! "I love your sabers," he said. I replied, "We should make a collection together." I winked, and he blushed.

We have so much in common. We talked forever, and the droids and Skywalker's clones looked at us funny. I spot at the clones and they ran away. All Grievous has to do was swing his saber, killing a droid.

GRIEVOUS: My ship came, and I knew it was time to depart. I can't leave him here. He kissed me, and Skywalker, who must have just got here, yelled at Krell. "Krell, why are you kidding OUR ENEMY???" Skywalker yelled.

"I can't leave him. We are so much alike. I can't anymore. I love him," I said. Grievous lead en to his ship, and I hugged him. "When we meet again," he said, with sadness in his voice. "Don't worry, we will meet again," I said.

When we meet again, General. When we meet again.

Pong Krell x General GrievousWhere stories live. Discover now