Chapter One

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So far this new school that he was going to was pretty much just okay for him. He was getting good grades and people did not really seem to be bothered by his appearance at all. Which was really his main concern and he also already got some friends, or rather a group of extroverts had essentially just adopted him. 

But still Zuko was glad that none of them were bothered by his scar as he had been worried about.

During one of his assignments while in his forth period class the backs of both of his hands had just suddenly started tingling and he had began to feel a lot warmer than he usually does. Then all of a sudden Zuko's hands start to itch very badly and then when he had looked down he was completely horrified to find that all of his nails were a set of possibly very sharp claws instead. At first he had thought that he was really only just seeing things but when he had gently touched the very tips of them he had realized that they were very much real and to make matters even worse than they already were he was also growing bright red scales as well. Since he was not sure what else exactly he should be doing about all of this Zuko just put his gloves on and he had hoped that his classmates would just assume that he was cold and did not see what was going on with him. Then just after forth class, he had left the school and then both of his gloves had suddenly started to feel a whole lot tighter than before on him. But then before he could take them off of himself they both started to tear and then Zuko felt a sharp pain in both of his hands that was so bad that he had almost cried there.

He was not sure what else he should do so he had just ran into the forest so that no one would see his hands and possibly think that he is not a person. Some how dispite all of that pain that he was in he was able to run a whole lot faster than Zuko normally would. So maybe there was actually a plus side to all of the pain and the very strange changes that he had just went through.

After a few more minutes of all that running around Zuko had finally stopped and his hands resembled a Dragon's paws instead.  Then all of a sudden what was left of his gloves had  just caught on fire but it didn't hurt him at all. Instead it was just a bit more warm on Zuko than it was from a distance and it seemed more as if all of the flames were coming from him. 

Then all of a sudden that exact same very intense pain that was in both of his hands was in his feet and he had just then fell over. He had then landed just on to his and when he had managed to sit up to get a look at what was going on with him Zuko had actually almost screamed at what he had just found. Both of his feet were also actually starting to grow quite a whole lot larger than they normally were.

Which was when Zuko had just started to panic about all this stuff that was going on with him. Then both of his shoes tore off and he had discovered that he had another set of sharp claws as well. Just then it had stopped again but when he tried to stand Zuko fell over.

His feet felt weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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