I dident want it to end.

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hawks pov:

"y/n.." I asked, my wings still wrapped around her.

"what?" she responed looking back to me.

 "I...I love you.."

I could see the shock in her face, her e/c seemed to go a little darker then usual.. 

"y-you.. you dont love me keigo.." she mumbled sitting up, looking away from me...

"what makes you say that y/n.. i really do.. i have since I first glanced at you.."

"keigo.. i-" she tried to responed, her voice was soft... it made my heart skip beats..

"y/n.. i know you dont feel the same but i cant keep it to myself anymore, I-" i stopped talking

I watched her stand up "keigo you dont know anything about me.."

"but i know more then most! I-"

"KEIGO YOU DONT KNOW ME-" she barked at me, tears threatinging to fall down her face.

We sat in silence for a minute, none of us knew what to say..

"i-im sorry y/n" I muttered, standing up..

she stayed silent, staring at the floor..

"im just going to go... i have patrol anyways..." I responded to her silence..

I walked out the room, and down the staires. I pulled the spare key out of my pocket. Looking at it for one last time, i placed it on the coffee table. I figured it would be my last time here for a while.

I walked out the front door, trying not to slam it. I dont know why, but I dident feel sad.. Honestly

I just felt a little mad.. 

more then a little keigo dont lie to yourself

Dabi pov:

I heard the bedroom door close, i was listenting the entire time. Honestly I dont know how to respond. Am I supose to go out there and comfort her like i do toga? or is she completly diffrent from toga? God sometimes women are confusing.

I slowly reached up and turned the door knob, opening the door just a to peak in.

y/n was curled into a ball on the floor, I couldent tell if she was crying or not.

It was hard for me to try and show other people emotions honestly, but with y/n it felt a whole lot easier, and I dont even know why..

"hey.. y/n.. are.. are you okay?" i asked in a hushed tone, I knew she wasn't. I just don't know what to say.

"yea.. yea im fine.. i honestly forgot you were here.." She muttered, wiping her face with her shirt.

I stayed silent, what was i supposed to to, I looked at the clock, it was somehow running on 7:30. Time does go by fast, last i checked it was like 3 o'clock..

"hey, don't you have a concert in like, an hour or something.." i asked looking back to her.

"shit.. yea I do.." She sighed standing up, walking over to me and opened the closet door.

"are you going to come out or stay in there all night?" she inquired, I rolled my eyes climbing out of the closet and standing behind her.

She started shifting threw clothes grabbing random things honestly, she stayed silent. Honestly she act like her conversation with keigo didn't even happen..

two diffrent worlds ~ dabi x reader fanfic (discontinued for now)Where stories live. Discover now