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"What Happen To My Baby" Mother Screamed. "Tom What The Hell Did You Do!?"Said Mother. "He Had An Ashma Attack And He Was Possessed So I Hit Him with A Bat: I Said. "Bullshit" She Said. I Felt So Bad There Was A Dead Silence. At Dinner No Body Talked " So When Is His Funeral' I Asked. She Sayed "Next Wednesday". "Oh". "Honey Me And  Your Father Have Some News" She Sayed. "Were Sending You Off To Military School". "What!" I Yelled. I Ran to My Room I Didn't Kill Him! I Sayed Repetaley . I Tried To Commite Suicide Before The Day I Went But I Didn't Have The Balls. A Month Later I Was Off To School. Lonley Night And hard Days I Finally Made It. When I Came out I Was 24. I Never Saw My Mom After. I Went To College To Become A Priest. " I Still Belive In You Ritchy" I Whispered To Myself Before  Mass Began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2011 ⏰

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