Chapter 1

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The police lined up in front of a small seemingly abandoned laboratory in an old hospital complex by the river. "Alright Phoenix time to take you back to prison." Chief Karver said as he pulled out his handcuffs specifically designed for her.

She just shrugged and held up her hands, "Come on Karver, do you really need to handcuff me? I always cooperate."

Karver just sighed, "We've been over this before, it's procedure." The chief moved over slightly gesturing to the door.

Phoenix looked at him with a smirk, "Did you also bring the whole police force again?"

The Chief just rolled his eyes and walked behind her as they made their way out of the building. As they passed the doorway Phoenix noticed five police cars lined up with their occupants out and antsy. Phoenix gave them a wicked smile that made some of them flinch and the Chief put his hand on her shoulder, "Would you quite freaking out the rookies."

She looked back at him with the sweetest and most innocent smile, "I have no idea what you're talking about Karver. I haven't done anything." He just rolled his eyes and moved them towards the police car with open door. "Hey Greg, how's the family?" Phoenix asked the officer next to the police car with the open door.

He just smiled, "There doing good, thanks for the presents." Phoenix smiled back, "I'm glad the kids liked them." Some of the rookies looked at each other in confusion. A rookie a few cars down asked his more experienced partner what was going on.

The partner responded, "Phoenix isn't a bad person just because she's a super villain, most often she only messes with Silver Thunder. If you've noticed when they fight it is normally around abandoned buildings or places that are subject to be destroyed. The only reason she is being arrested is because she broke her agreement with the city."

"What agreement?"

"To not throw cars into buildings to demolish them." The rookies that could hear their conversations became even more concerned that she had to sign an agreement to stop throwing cars into buildings. Suddenly a rookie a couple of cars down point to the sky. Phoenix noticed this and quickly turned around causing the Chief and Greg to look to the sky as well. A few seconds later she noticed a large object hurling towards them at enormous speeds.

"Get down!" Phoenix yelled and all cops hit the ground and they did. She turned and ducked at the last minutes at she object collided with the car she was supposed to get in. She quickly turned around to see Silver Thunder's bruised and bleeding body on the now crushed car. Her eyes widened at the sight of his body, she snapped the chain linking the cuffs together and ran the short distance to the car. "Thunder!" She yelled while closing the distance.

The cops slowly began standing back up and watched the scene in shock. Phoenix's heart was racing as she looked over his severely injured body. She activated her levitation power and touched his leg gently. Holding onto him and she moved his body ever so slowly away from the car. Gently lowering him onto the ground and releasing her power she quickly moved to his side. She noticed him bleeding profusely out of a large cut going down his leg.

She looked up to see all the cops just watching her stunned causing her anger to rise. "Stop standing there! Do something! Call 911!" Her angry scream knocked them all out of their stupors. Chief Karver and Greg moved to him and began wrapping his leg. A rookie moved to his head and began to remove his mask to see the extent of the damage to his face when Phoenix slapped his hand away. The rookie looked at her shocked and she just stared back angerly, "Do not touch his mask." The rookie shaking slightly from the anger in her voice nodded his head in understanding.

The other rookie how had pointed out his falling body yelled for everyone to look back to the sky. Phoenix turned and her eyes narrowed in anger. She stood up putting herself between then incoming threat and the hero. As the new villain landed, he began laughing, "Phoenix what are you doing here? Beat me to the punch?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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