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Jazzy's POV

The kid walked into my room wearing the same thing he wore at school. A light blue collared shirt with khaki pants and a dark brown belt. His hair is a little messier than earlier but other than that, he looks the same than before. "Hi, I'm Stanley Uris." He put out his hand for a handshake that I took. "Nina Ives!" I feel like I'm way more exited than he is. Is that good? Does he think I'm annoying or too extravagant?! DOE'S HE EVEN LIKE ME?!! I'm overthinking it. I just met him! "So... who are we doing for the project?" We've been standing here for a hot minute, thinking. "You want to sit down?!" I swear I'm screaming at him. He answers with a small "Yeah." I go over to the couch. He, clearly, follows me and sits down very awkwardly (you should all know what sit I'm talking about but I'll describe it anyways).

He's on the edge of the couch with his legs closed extremely tight. His back uncomfortably straight and his entire body tense. "You can relax, I'm not going to brutally murder you. Can't say the same for Snyx though..." He looks petrified when he looks me in the eye before I remind him I'm joking. And when I say he laughed uncomfortably, I mean it. He actually thought that you were going to kill him, Ni! How overly protective are his parents to make him think that a little girl who originally spoke to him like she was vacuuming while she was speaking was going to murder him?

"What about Anne Boleyn?" I lost my train of thought when he said that. "Huh?" I barely knew what he said. All I heard was "What about-" and my mind cut out everything else he said. "Anne Boleyn? You know, King Henry V|| ( I don't know how to put those things through a computer but it is saying 'The Third')'s second wife that was accused of witchcraft then beheaded for it? Have you heard of her? Almost all my friends don't even know of King Henry Vll so I really wouldn't be surprised if you haven't. Sorry! I'm rambling, aren't I." "No, no! It's fine! Tell me about her. Please?" "Sure... Hmmmm. Anne Boleyn was the second wife of King  — a scandalous marriage, given that he had been denied an annulment from his first wife by the Roman Church, and that his mistress was Anne's sister, Mary. Thusly, King Henry VIII broke from the Church to marry Anne. She gave birth to a daughter, but could not conceive a son. On May 19, 1536, Boleyn was executed on false charges of doing bad stuff with her family(If you don't know what I'm talking about then you might just want to leave right now because you are way to innocent to read this story), witchcraft, adultery and conspiracy against the king. Her daughter, Elizabeth, emerged as one of England's greatest queens. Boleyn died on May 19, 1536, in London, England. That is only a small amount about her life, even though hers was so short. So, what are we doing for the project? Like a presentation or an essay, there is a lot of stuff we could do." "We maybe could do like a board about her. I've never really done one of these before so Don't judge me if its a bad idea" I was looking at my feet when I said that and when I looked up he was staring at one of the canvas's I painted a couple on.

What is going on in his mind? Does he like it? What if he hates and thinks that its awful and doesn't want to talk to me anymore and then the only person who is even remotely my friend?!?! "Wow. Your really good! Maybe we could write an essay and then you could maybe, its just an idea but, maybe you could paint Anne?" "Hmm, sure. I was really worried that you wouldn't like it as soon as I realized I had left that out. You're the closest person to a friend from down here that I have so I was really scared that my painting was going to ruin this. Did I say that out loud? I talk to much, I should shut up." "I have a talkative friend so I am used to a lot of talking. His names Richie and he never shuts up. He also makes a lot of not so clean jokes, to say the least. All of my friends were over at my house, doing homework and talking about school, before I came here." I interrupted the time he was spending with. Gosh, now I feel bad. I think he can see the guilt wash over me because he then added on a "I was tired of hearing two of them bicker while my other friend was telling Richie to stop with the jokes because his brother was in the living room and we were in the dinning room."

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