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"We're celebrating now the
newlyweds Mr And Mrs Saelim!" Everyone is cheering for the couple. They kiss and gives all of the people tingles. Everyone is happy at the moment, but I'm not. I'm walking my way out of the reception when a familiar voice called my name. "Frank!Leaving so soon? Aren't you happy for me?" Gian asked. "I'm just tired. Also, I'm going back to Thailand tomorrow. I really need some rest." I replied. "Mmmm, Would you mind If I walked you back to your room?" Gian asked. "But how about the party?" I asked back. "They can continue without me." He replied. I sighed and started walking. We are walking silently when Gian tries to break the silence.
"Frank, do you still remember the day we first met?" Gian asked.
"Mmm, That was a long time ago. I barely remember it." I lied. Of course I remember it. The day when Gian Saelim brings back the joy to my lonely heart. "You don't remember the day when you had your  first glance at my Handsome face?" Gian said confidently. "Handsome face you chicken nugget!" I replied then Gian laughed. "You still haven't changed. You're still the old funny Frank." Gian said, "But you did." I smiled bitterly. "Do you remember when you tried to bully me but ended up slipping on the floor?" I tried to change the topic. "Hehe. You don't have to bring that up. That's embarrassing." I shake my head. Same old Gian. "Owww. That's what you want huh? Do you remember when you were sleeping in class then the professor tried to wake you up, but you just raised your middle finger cause you thought It was me?" Gian hysterically laughed while reminiscing. "But do you remember when someone was picking on me then you just rushed and punched him in the face." I said. "Well, At least my reason is valid. I will always be the only one allowed to tease you!" Gian said. I smile but hide it immediately. "Owww. Now your talking. Do you remember when I was hitting on your sister? You were very pissed. You almost beat me to death. Also, you didn't talk to me for like a couple of months." Gian laughs. "Well that's my sister dumbass," I replied. "Then one night your friend called me. She said that you were really drunk." I stopped when I heard what he said. "Then I come to pick you up at the bar, You pulled me close to you. Then confessed your feelings to me." I felt my face turn red and felt my heart beats rapidly. "So that's why you suddenly cared for me?" I asked.
He nodded. "Does that mean you liked me too?" He nodded. The vibrant aura from our conversation turned silent. "So that's why you didn't show up when I'm leaving?" I asked. "Why didn't you stop me? Why didn't you confess to me." I asked again.
"I don't want to be the reason for you to hold back. I want you to pursue your dreams. I know how important it is to you." Gian said. "If I would choose my happiness over your dreams that'll be selfish of me." My heart's breaking knowing that Gian sacrificed his happiness for me to pursue my dreams. I'm holding back my tears but I can't hold it any longer. We continued walking. We arrived at my room. I opened it right before walking I've decided to ask one more thing. "Gian, do you think that if we met at the right time, We will also end up with each other?" I asked. Gian was supposed to answer when my Sister showed up. "Babe, We were all looking for you." My sister said. "I'm sorry babe. I walked your brother to his room he said he was already tired." Gian said. "Is that so? Ok hurry up and go back to the party." My sister said. The answer I've been looking for was slapped into my face. Yes, Gian and My sister ended up together. I smile while realizing it. There will be no right time for us. Because we're not the one that's meant for each other. My sister headed back to the reception but Gian stayed a little bit. "Just always remember this Frank. You are a keeper. You love a person whole-heartedly. You are always willing to sacrifice even your dreams for someone. I believe that whoever you ended up with will be very lucky. Because he has you as his half. Thank you, Frank. But I'm afraid this is goodbye." Gian kissed me on my forehead then left. I closed the doors then, my tears bursts out. Now I understand. We will meet a person whom we will love with all that we have. Who will make us feel that we are worthy of love. Who will make us feel special. Who will make us happy. Who will give meaning to our lives. But sometimes that person is just temporary and we have no choice but to be happy for them because they built us. Heartbreak is just a challenge given to us for us to learn and grow. Also, these experiences are just preparing us for the right person. We are all destined to a person who will love us more than we love ourselves. We just have to patiently wait for them. I decided to go to bed. All my frustrations and sadness turned into happiness for Gian and my sister. I know that they will take care of each other. As for me, I will again leave this place happily. I know it takes time for the wounds to heal. But I just know one thing I will never close my doors and patiently wait for the person who's destined for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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