The Spooktacle

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It was the same time of year every year. The ghosts would arrive groaning, the bats would squeak in the night, and the grass slowly turned into an olive green color. Pumpkins glowed in the moonlight and scarecrows creaked as the wind blew them this way and that. By the edge of the island, a single cello played a soft tune.

I sat by the desk reading books about Wublin Island and its origins. There was so much information regarding the electric elementals. When I came across Bona's and Petite's page, something seemed off about a bit of the text. Before I was able to piece it together, purring erupted next to me.

      "Oh Ghazt," I sighed as I ran my hand along its silky back. The orbs flew around the room as Ghazt relaxed on my lap.

Ever since I first discovered Plant Island, Ghazt has always been there by my side. It would follow me around everywhere I went, do everything I did, and it even tried to talk once. The only thing that came out though was a small "mew", and Ghazt never spoke since. What it does like to do is play music with its orbs and drag in attention.

I watched as Ghazt held an orb in its hands and played with it. It was cute watching the playful smile grow on its face. Once it looked over to the Wublins, it flew off of my lap and hovered over Bona's face. A second later and he started panicking with Thwok and Petite waking up right after.

      "Rise and shine," I cheered while standing up. Ghazt flew over and rubbed against my hip. The Wublins stared at me like I was mad.

      "Who is that?" Petite asked.

      "Oh, this is Ghazt, a friend of mine." Ghazt flew over and curled around Petite, causing her to giggle.

Without any time to lose, we all exited the hotel and watched as all the monsters from the castle came out and played around. They all had funny costumes on as they ran around and talked with each other. I gave the Wublins some quick costumes so that they didn't feel left out. Petite instantly made bat noises as she flew around in bat wings.

      "Alright, go have some fun," I told them as they went in different directions.

I sighed and looked at Ghazt who had on a cat mask. It flew around me and urged me to play with some of the other monsters. Shaking my head, I just watched silently and prepared myself for him to come.


When Kayna told us to have some fun, me and the others went in separate directions. To fit in, I had to wear this skeleton mask big enough for my face. I knew that I was going to be the odd one out again, but I didn't let that stop me. Looking around, I eventually came across a small group I could join in.

There were a few monsters in the group, yeah, but it was a quiet group. First was a cymbal monster. Though it was weird not being able to see its face or hear it talk, I wasn't too bothered by it. Then, there was the oak tree. He might've been old, but the things he said made you think for a good second. Not the best at memorizing things, but very good with advice.

Then there was him. The four-armed double-horned periwinkle monster. In two of his hands he wielded a cello made from his own horn as well as two complimentary bows in a third hand. His smile shimmered and his eyes were the shiniest emeralds I ever saw. So shiny, in fact, that they glowed brighter than Bone Island itself.

He looked like a good monster to hang out with, but something about him made me feel a bit off. I couldn't tell if it was the way he was standing or if it was how he was speaking. Maybe it was his eyes that threw me off. Whatever it was, it didn't stop me from going over to the group.

When I went over, they were talking about someone named Punkleton and what he might've been afraid of. I thought it was weird, but as they talked I realized that there was some sort of challenge for when he got to the island. The monsters here called the challenge the "spook fest". Apparently, the monster who could scare Punkleton was deemed the "Monster of Spooktacular".

      "I reckon that he's scared of heights," the cello monster, Bowgart, chimed. The cymbal monster Clamble shook its head in disagreement as the tree monster "Elder Oak" chuckled dryly.

      "Dear, if that fool was afraid of heights, then there would be a metal bridge from here to one of the outer islands," he explained. Bowgart sighed and looked up at me.

      "Oh, hello there! Sorry for not seeing you earlier. The name's Bowgart," he introduced as he held out his free hand. I shook it kindly and pulled away.

      "I'm Bona, one of the new monsters here."

      "Came here with Kayna?" I nodded. "Well, you'll love it here. Right Clamble, Elder Oak?" Both monsters nodded. I smiled a bit, but then stopped as Bowgart's eyes started glowing. He looked at me, his eyes widening, as he excused us and pulled me away.

      "What was that about?" I asked as we hid behind a rock. Bowgart looked at me with those big emeralds for eyes.

      "You're not from this world, are you?" Thinking about that question, I stared at him horrifically as I finally pieced two and two together. He wasn't from the monster world either...

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