Chapter 1: Claiming Baggage

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Cuke pulled their bag from the  conveyor belt, the wheels hitting the ground along with most others as they grabbed their own suitcases. Their bag felt a bit heavy, and they tugged it along as they searched for their ride home. They shrug off the weight issue, as they were most likely just jet lagged and tired.

They're quick to spot a familiar mop of black hair, which they frantically wave at from across the parking lot.

The girl in question doesn't even wave back before she sprints over, tackling the enby in a hug. "Cuke!"

They laugh lightly, hugging back the wannabe thief. "Kay! It's been so long, I missed you!" They feel the weight of their bag disappear as it's taken from them. They look back to spot another familiar face, "Miles!" They pull him into the hug, having missed both of their friends dearly during their trip.

"How was Zheng Fa?" Miles is the first to ask.

"Oh! It was absolutely amazing! It's so pretty there!" They grin, "it was really nice of Lang to offer me a guest room, can't thank that guy enough." They snicker, though are genuinely thankful for the room that Lang had provided. After all, they didn't really think they could afford a hotel room, especially not after the travel fees.

"Well, he does owe me a few favors," Miles mutters.

"Speaking of favors!" The enby brightens up, pulling their bag away from Miles so they could grab something from it. Unzipping their bag, their quick to discover the contents are not at all what they had brought with them.

A head.

A head cut off from all other appendages, rolls to a stop at the feet of Kay Faraday.

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