Malikai makes a deal with Luna

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As the sun sets in the kingdom of Equestria , the beautiful princess of day , Celestia smiles as everyone cheers for her as she passes them.

Pony- We love you , Celestia !

Celestia chuckles as she walks inside the palace .

Luna , who's the young princess of the night with lavender purple fur , and baby blue silky soft mane and tail .

She sighs sadly as she watches from the throne room balcony with jealousy.

The Weaselings and Skeksis notice the young alicorn watching.

Malikai came to her: Hello Princess Luna.

Luna- Hello Malikai.

Malikai: I see your feeling down Luna.

Luna- It's just not fair.

Luna gets up off the balcony and walks away, hanging her head low.

Malikai: You know, there might be a solution to your problem.

Luna turns around, intrigued.

Luna- What would that be?

Malikai: Joining on the evil side.

Luna fully turns around and raises a brow.

Then, the Weaselings and Skeksis arrive.

Luna- Are you sure? I mean, sure I'm consumed with nothing but rage and jealousy--

SkekSo: Your tired of this right Luna?

Luna then glares .

Luna- Of course I'm tired of this!

Luna then walks around, becoming angry and angrier.

Luna- Dear sister thinks she can have all the praise to herself ! Well , no more ! I deserve love , praise , and overall respect ! I'm tired of being ignored , I'm tired of being my sister's shadow ! It's not fair ! I will get what I deserve ! I will get some respect even if I have to threaten some pony's life out of it !

SkekVar: Then we can help you with that.

Luna- About time. I'm sick of people not loving me the same way they love my sister! The one who rules day , the one who raises the sun! The night and the moon deserves as much love as they do with the sun and day !

Tigs: Then come with us.

Luna then smirks darkly as she literally walks over to the evil side.

They took her somewhere where they can transform her*

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