The Gods' Blessing

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Guys and gals, please comment and give feedback on this.

Disclaimer: All of this belongs to Uncle Rick aka God of Trolls, aka Rick Riordan, and J.K. Rowling aka The Queen of England.

Percy's POV

June 24th

It was almost midsummer and had been a few days since Leo had finally made his way back to Camp Half-Blood with Calypso.  All of both of the camps had been in a light mood since his return, I was ecstatic to see him, and once he landed all the demigods got line up and punch him. 

I was sitting on the beach with my wise girl playing with the water, when Leo ran up and shouted, "Guys, Chiron wants us in the big house,"

"Why?" I asked

"Something about the gods summoning us." He replied

"Probably to bless us with immortality, after saving the world from Queen Dirt face." Annabeth deduced

Third-person POV

When Percy, Annabeth, and Leo arrived at the Big House they found the rest of the seven sitting there waiting for them. Then in a flash of blinding bright lights, they were teleported to Mt. Olympus where the gods were waiting. It took the seven a few seconds to realize where they were and what was going on. "We have decided to bless you young puny demigods, but since you declined immortality and then saved the world again, we have decided that you should become gods." Zeus' voice boomed throughout the newly designed Olympus. 

"Lord Zeus what do you mean by Sort-of gods," Annabeth asked politely

"Percy and Annabeth you two shall also become Olympians, and serve on the Olympian Council. The rest of you will just be blessed and become gods and serve your godly parent," Zeus stated

This is what they got since I'm too lazy to write

(BTW all of the demigods are still more powerful in their own categories then all the others)

Zeus- Gave them all except Jason the ability to control the winds (only Jason could call upon lightning though)

Hades- Gave them all the ability to shadow travel (Nico was the only one able to raise the dead, and Hazel was the only one able to summon Minerals)

Poseidon- The ability to manipulate water (Percy was still the only one able to communicate with sea animals, and I gave Percy the ability to shape-shift into animals, cuz Frank's family originally got it from Poseidon so I felt like Percy should also get it)

Hera- any kids they have will be minor gods (this was the only thing I could think of, I mean really what else can she give them?)

Demeter- The ability to control plants

Hestia- none (Sorry to disappoint Hestia fans, but what can she give them. btw I love Hestia best God there is)

Artemis/Apollo- The ability to be a natural tracker, and Beautiful singing voices (I thought it would ruin my book if I made Percy good with a bow)

Hephaestus- Control flames and fire are fireproof (btw they cannot summon flames like Leo, also cannot craft well)

Ares- The ability to become stronger the more enemies they defeat (IDK if this is a real thing in the PJO and HoO universe but I'm rolling with it)

Athena- Made them all wiser except Percy (because first off Athena for some reason still doesn't approve of Percabeth, and because in pretty much all of these type fanfics Percy is really immature and I wanted to add that side of Percy to make him funnier)

Aphrodite- They will get the ability to Charmspeak (not as strong as Piper's, also now Piper can read and understand people emotions by looking at them)

Hermes- Will be skilled at theft and pickpocketing

They will be the gods of:

Percy: The Olympian god of Sass, Sword Fighting, Demigod Heroes, Sea Creatures, Horses, and Loyalty

Annabeth: The Olympian god of Demigod Heroes, Books, Reading, and Quick thinking

Leo: The God of  Flames, Engineering, and Building

Piper: The God of Charmspeak and Emotions

Jason: The God of Wind and Roman Demigods

Hazel: The God of The Mist and Valuable Minerals

Frank: The God of Shape-shifting, and animals

Time Skip

Percy's POV

July 21st

It had been about two weeks since I had proposed to Annabeth AND SHE SAID YES, Also almost a month since we had become gods. and tonight Annabeth and I were sitting in a bubble inside Camp Half-Bloods' Lake, having a romantic dinner when it was over we just sat and held onto one another, we ended up using our godly powers to conjure a bed for us to sleep together. We have had to sleep with each other ever since the whole 'pit' episode. Now that I was a god I could hold up an underwater bubble even when I was sleeping, so we fell asleep after some making out, and other stuff that happened when we got 'carried away', in my bubble. 

Time Skip

When I woke up Annabeth wasn't inside the bubble so I figured she must have teleported somewhere when she woke up. When I teleported out to the surface I saw Annabeth on the edge of the lake crying and a Pregnancy test in the ground next to her Reading 'Positive'. 

"W-what if I-i'm not a good enough mother Percy?" She asked when she saw me looking at it.

"You'll be a great mother Annabeth, If anyone could be a great mother it's you."

She stopped crying, "Thanks P-percy, that means a lot."

We just sat there, eventually, Annabeth told me that she had a dream where Aphrodite and Hera had told her she was pregnant, and that since she was a god she could actually have the baby at any time she wanted. The kids would grow up in the span of a few years also since the kids were going to be minor gods.

After some discussion, we decided that Annabeth could have them in about two weeks after being able to tell everyone.

"Let's go tell everyone to meet us at my mom's place, we can tell them all, there," I said

Thank you for reading the first chapter, hopefully, the chapters will only get better from here.

1035 words

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