Chapter 2 - 'Niagra Falls period attack!'

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Jupiter woke up startled, and didn't dare look down at the sweat she could feel had soaked her sheets and pillow, and she grunted miserably. Her mother would kill her. They'd only been washed yesterday.

"Well that was one freaky ass dream... but I kicked ass..." She mumbled to herself, a sleepy satisfied smile stretching up her lips. Stretching individual limbs out in front of her, and letting them fall onto the mattress, she yawned like a lion.

She ached all over as if she'd been bashed around by a gang of thugs or something. Rubbing the back of her neck, she yawned and suddenly, her phone was wildly vibrating against her bedside table. Jupiter picked it up and read the caller ID, her eyes momentarily hovering over the time, and she answered the call. "It is seven o'clock on a Sunday morning. This better be good."

Her friend Riley-Jane, known to most as RJ for short, laughed on the other end. "We both know you were already awake, you don't sound hung-over, and you picked up the moment I started calling."

"So, what's your point?" Jupiter grumbled.

"It's good... Well I don't know if I'd consider it a good thing... But it is most certainly a good reason why I'm calling."

"Care to elaborate?"

"I moved without actually moving... Well remembering doing it anyway."

Jupiter rubbed under her chin and sat up. "I do that all time, wondering how I got somewhere..." she said, rubbing her eyes, her vision a little blurred by sleep.

"You know I never get drunk... I woke up, suddenly I could smell toast and I just thought, 'oh gosh I'd love to be in that kitchen eating that toast right now.' Then in an eye-blink, I was stood right next to Jason and scared him half to death."

"But it's impossible to creep up on your uncle...?"

"Tell me about it. I was just as shocked as he was. Jupiter, I don't know what's going on but I feel super weird. Ever since yesterday when I stopped that old man from choking, and that static zapped me... I don't know what's happened..." she said trailing off with this sudden thoughtful tone in her voice.


"Something happen to you too?" she asked a little excitedly.

"Not really, just a weird dream. I don't know why but I knew things and people I'd never even thought about in my life, let alone met before... And you know in dreams when you know you're making it up... The people in the dream felt real and genuine. First I almost bled to death, then I was totally awesome killing this shadow creature with this other girl that I've forgotten the name of... and this mysterious figure basically blew us to dust. It was a bit creepy." she said, shuddering at the tone of that figures voice, as if it had beant down and whispered in her own ear. 

"Weird... Want to revisit the park and see if he's there again?"


"Maybe he knows something...?" she suggested.

"RJ you watch way too much sci-fi. It's just us being our usual abnormal selves and you over-analysing things per usual."

Jupiter heard her friend sigh over the phone. "Aren't you even the least bit intrigued, I mean, this is weird, and all this weirdness only started after we met him."

Jupiter rolled her eyes. "Like I said, you're over-analysing the situation. Perhaps you just had a momentary memory lapse, it happens to the best of us." She could almost picture RJ contemplating on the other side of the phone, and eventually her friend heaved a sigh. 

"Fine, so what was your dream abou-"

"Juniper!" her mother roared from downstairs, and Jupiter groaned and fell back against her bed again. "Juniper Lee are you awake yet?!"

"I'm awake Mum, dammit!" she yelled back. 

"Don't you dare blaspheme under my roof!" she screeched. 

Jupiter slapped a hand to her forehead. "I'll speak to you later RJ, when my Mum isn't having a shouting match with me. TTFN. Ta ta for now." She said, and hung up, as her mother's footsteps came rumbling up the stairs despite her petite size, and she turned her pillow over without looking at it, in a bid to avoid her mother's fury. Because she would be furious, especially after masses of perspiration after a nightmare soaking her new white linen in 'smelly body juices' as her Mum called it. 

She walked in, a wake of cold air blasting into her bedroom, and Jupiter shuddered. Her room was always the warmest, because she was the only one who kept her window shut through winter. Her mother liked the idea of fresh air, if they didn't get a fresh circulation on a daily basis, Mrs Lee was concerned that they would be breathing in stale air. Jupiter would have loved to add that the oxygen we breathe doesn't have a sell-by-date, but considering the hostile atmosphere that threatened to erupt at any moment, Jupiter didn't dare inform her.

Her mothers side of the family came from China, and a fearful bunch they were. Despite her heritage, her Mother was a firm catholic, the firmest she'd ever come across. She was the honey badger of the church, small and fearful, you crossed her, you wouldn't be walking away unscathed. Jupiter sometimes wondered if that had been her allure when her tall bad-boy-turned-good father had married her. 

Back in the day he'd been the kind of guy Jupiter could see herself with, but since then her mother had brushed off on him, and he beant to her ever will, the only person who stood up to her being Jupiter herself. If her Dad had kept that attitude he always reminisced about, he'd be able to use his towering frame to intimidate his small wife, but annoyingly, she always rose above him when it came to exchanges in conversation. Most day's he backed out before it even got bad.

Her mother's eyes scanned merticulously around the room until they rested on her bed, and it was as if she'd suddenly forgotten how to breathe, as she started shaking, and her face turned red and her eyes glowered and Jupiter readied herself. 

"You've bled all over your new white linen's! What happened?! Did it suddenly waterfall out of you? Explode? Is something the matter? I thought you said you weren't due for another week!" she screeched.

Jupiter looked down and her cheeks turn scarlet as her neighbour, Jefferson Mitchell, out for his morinig run, shouted up through the window, that she had opened a crack just so she didn't die of heat exhaustion. "Thanks for that Mrs Lee, hope you're not in too much pain June! See you at school tomorrow!" 

Her mother openeed the window and Jupiter shuddered as her warm room dropped to arctic early morning temperatures, and looked down at the massacre beneath her, feeling a bit sick. "Thank you Jefferson! Come around later if you like!" and she turned back to Jupiter and sighed. "Please don't throw up on it as well. You need to sort out that fear of blood thing you have going, it's just a period. You should be more prepared you silly girl. Your sixteen for goodness sake!" she said, and left. 

Jupiter leaned over with a greying face, and called RJ and she picked up. "What's up chuck? Did she go ballistic because you haven't made your bed properly, and you are calling me to contemplate whether you were adopted for the..." there was a scratching noise. "Eighty-fifth time."

"There's blood all over my bed." She said quietly.

"Whoa, that's way too much info, thanks for telling me that..." she said sounding a little disgusted. 

Jupiter swallowed hard and got to her feet. "You don't understand, I'm not on my period. I'd know if I was. Last night in my dream I was bleeding. I don't know what's happening but it's like something is really wrong, because I don't remember that blood being there when I spoke to you on the phone, and Mum came in and shouted it for the neighbours to hear. Or maybe it was... she lifted her hand up, covered in scarlet liquid... Okay... So I thought this blood was sweat... I don't know what's going on and I'm freaking out!" 

"Because you might have actually almost bled to death?!"

"No stupid, because my hot neighbour Jefferson Mitchell heard my mother screaming about my apparent Niagra Falls period attack!"

RJ hung up, and Jupiter could have swore she heard the beginning of the word 'twat' forming on her lips before she did. 


Chapter 2, boom! Hope you liked it, please vote if you did and comment if you want to. All and any criticism is welcome! Thank you for reading guys! :D -Arc 

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