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Song - Why worry by Set It Off

"Why worry, sounds interesting"
Denki then played it.
"This sounds cool"
Shinso said nodding his head to the beat.(shinso replaced m*neta)

'This sinking feeling sets
It feels just like a hole inside your chest
I know you're thinking
No, no, no, no, it is easier said than done
But please let me attest
I know it's hard

You're feeling like you're trapped
But that's how you react
When you cannot see the light
But try and see the light
I'm tellin' you
No, no, no, no
You're the only one
Standing in your way
Just take a breath
Relax, and tell me'

People were bobbing there heads to the beat of the song or tapping there foot.

Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me, why do we worry?
When worry is never helping
Tell me why, why worry at all?'

"I wonder if this is why he's so wreck less, if he thinks like this ribbit"
Tsuyu, who was now leaning on ochako said.
Even though nothing was said everyone agreed.

'Why do we insist
On crossing bridges that do not exist?
Let's take these issues
Step by step by step, to work it out
Day by day by day we're falling down
But life goes on
I've got some questions
Are you sick of feelin' sorry? (Uh huh)
And people sayin' not to worry? (Uh huh)
Sick of hearing this hakuna matata motto
From people who won the lotto
We're not that lucky
Have you noticed that you're breathing? (Uh huh)
Look around and count your blessings (Uh huh)'

"This is so good I need Deku to sing with me"
Jirou said to her self but her girlfriend heard and said that it's a good idea.

'So when you're sick of all this stressin' and guessin' I'm
Suggestin' you turn this up and let them hear you sing it
Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me, why do we worry?
When worry is never helping
Tell me why, why worry at all?'

"Hey do you think Midobro wrote these songs cause if he did that's so manly"
Kirishima yelled tears forming over how manly Deku is.
Everyone else was stuck thinking if Deku did write these songs as it wouldn't be much of a surprise.

'So when you're sick of all this stressin' and guessin' I'm
Suggestin' you turn this up and let them hear you sing it
Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me, why do we worry?
When worry is never helping
Tell me why, why worry at all?'

By now people were singing along with the song.

Please tell me why do we worry?
Why do we worry at all?
Just tell me, why do we worry?
When worry is never helping
I'm not buying what they're selling
So if worry is never helping
Tell me why, why worry at all?'

When the song ended people started fighting over who should pick the next one, so when everyone was fighting todoroki made his way up to the bag a picked one out then yelled out to everyone
"Hey I picked one"
That shut everyone and they asked what it was called so todoroki looked at it then read out for the rest of the class.

Done hope you liked this chapter make sure you check out my other story's if you liked this one
Peace out my lovelies ✌️

612 words

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