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   TW: Mentions of su*cide, s*lf h*rm 

 "HEY HEY HEY Y/N- CHAN LETS GO SIT ON THE ROOF" Startled, I look up as were walking from Bokuto's classroom.

     "Bokuto-kun,  don't call her that, its rude. Just say y/n-san." Akaashi grumbled at his owl friend.

     "Really, its ok. I don't care..." I squeaked out. Bokuto nodded eagerly, and Akaashi rolled his eyes.

     With our lunch sacks in hand, we made our way to the roof. Akaashi and Bokuto were walking on either side of me, and it felt like I was standing in between two towers. Akaashi is around 5'11, and Bokuto is around 6'1, so I was basically surrounded by giants. 

     "Y/N-san could I get your number? U-Uh just so I can text you when we eat lunch together..." Akaashi stammered, a light blush forming on his cheeks. I nodded quickly and put my number into his phone.

     As we climbed the stairs and emerged on the roof of Fukurodani, I let out a small gasp. You could see so much from up here. I looked at the bridge from this morning and frowned slightly. 

     I- I was gonna jump... Akaashi-san saved me...

     We all sat down towards the edge of the building and I glanced over the edge. 

     I dont think I would be able to survive a fall from this height, huh?

   I slowly scooted away from the edge, back to Akaashi and Bokuto and began unwrapping my lunch. "We wont get in trouble for eating up here, right?" I murmured quietly. 

     "No way! I do it alllll the time! Even Keiji comes along!" Bokuto yelled. I hummed in response and began eating. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, when Bokuto suddenly gasped. "Y/N SAN WHAT HAPPENED?" He yelled. I grimaced, the loudness of his voice reminding me of my father. He pointed at the large bruise on my thigh, and Akaashi quickly looked over.

     "Bokuto-san, you dont just ask people about their bruises," Akaashi hissed. Bokuto murmured an apology, but he still looked curious.

     "Uh- I just fell down the stairs, um, yesterday. I hit my leg pretty good..." I blurted out, hoping they would buy the story. Bokuto seemed convinced and offered his condolences. He blabbed on and on about how much it sucks to fall down the stairs and how sorry he was it happened to me. Akaashi, on the other hand, didnt seem so convinced. He studied the bruise on my leg, and then realized he probably shouldnt be staring at my thighs like that. A small blush formed on his face and he quickly turned his head.


Akaashi POV-

     That bruise does not look like it was made by falling down the stairs... How could that even happen? I've seen Koutaro fall down the stairs multiple times, and as clumsy he is, hes never gotten a bruise that big or that shape. The most hes gotten was a busted lip when he went face first... There's no way this is from the stairs...

    I quickly realized I was staring at y/n's thighs, and looked away. She really is extremely beautiful. I don't know how I never noticed before. Her (hair length) h/c always falls perfectly around her slim face, and frames her e/c eyes perfectly. I really didn't realize how perfect she is until this morning at the bridge. I'm glad I saw her this morning. She seemed pretty lost in thought when I found her there. I wonder what she was thinking about... I really just hope shes ok.


Regular POV-

     I glanced over at Akaashi, who was staring off into the distance, clearly lost in thought. I tugged on my skirt trying to hide the bruise on my thigh. I stared at it, and felt an overwhelming sadness all of a sudden. 

     No, no, no, no. No. I was so happy. For the first time in so long. DAMMIT. 

      My mind raced to my mother and father. They were never there for me. I never had anyone there for me. No one knows about the shit I go through in my own home, where I'm supposed to feel safe. I can't do it anymore. I slowly scooted to the edge of the building and let my feet dangle off the edge. I slowly leaned forward and closed my eyes. 

     Its so easy... It'll only hurt for a moment...

     Suddenly I was snapped back to reality as Akaashi jerked my shoulder backwards.

      "Y/N, what the hell are you doing? You need to be careful!" He exclaimed. I had never heard Akaashi yell like that, as he was usually relatively quiet and reserved. "You do realize if you fell from this height theres no way you would survive, right?" He murmured, back to his normal tone.

     "yeah thats the point..." I breathed inaudibly. Akaashi heard me say something, but it was clear he didn't know what I said. My eyes began to well with tears, and I began blinking furiously to stop myself from shedding a tear. I glanced at Bokuto, who was happily eating his onigiri.

     "Y/N stay away from the edge! Can't have my new friend dying on me!" Bokuto exclaimed. I ignored him and slowly made my way back to the spot we were sitting at. Akaashi examined me with a funny look and i looked down to avoid his gaze. I glanced over at him out of the corner of my eye and saw his eyes bounce to my wrist. Without even realizing it I tugged on the sleeve of my blazer. That's something he can't see. Akaashi's finger tips brushed over the exposed part of wrist and I jerked my hand into my lap, leaning away from the touch. 

     "My apologies, y/n, I don't know what I was doing," Akaashi muttered. Bokuto sat next to Akaashi, oblivious to what was happening. I didn;t respond to Akaashi and quickly gathered my things and ran to the door, tears threatening to spill out of my e/c eyes.

     "Y/N, I'm sorry, please, don't go!" Akaashi shouted as he got up to follow me. I ran down the stairs, him trailing. I quickly ran into the staff bathroom that only had one stall and sunk onto the cool tile floor. Tears flowed from my eyes as I ripped my blazer off. I stared at my wrists in disgust. 

     Why am I like this. I don't deserve Akaashi, even as a friend. I'm a weak excuse for a human. I don't deserve to be alive. Stupid barcode bitch.

     As I sobbed into my hands I heard a knock at the door. 

     "Y/N-san... I'm sorry for touching you, I didn't even realize I was doing it. Please forgive me." Akaashi said through the door.


Third Person POV

     As y/n sobbed in the bathroom, Akaashi pleadingly knocked on the door, worried about y/n. He was confused as to why she was so upset over him just barely grazing her wrist. He was just worried about her. From the bridge incident this morning, which now worried him after what happened on the roof and her wrist. He was sure she wasn't just looking at the water. Now, he was concerned at what he would see if he had moved her sleeve up. Akaashi knew that y/n wasnt ok, and all he wanted to do was save the beautiful and kind girl's life. 


SoOoOOrrRrRrrrYyYy this chapter is so long :/ I just couldn't find a good place to stop >-< Anywhoooo this chapter was honestly so hard to write and it makes me sad :( dw it gets better though. See ya next chapter :))) 

also im sorry i didnt update for a bit, I was at the beach ;-;

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