Chapter 1 HURRY UP

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"SHIT ROSE! HURRY UP WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN 5 MINUTES!" my mom screamed at me from downstairs. " I'M COMING! I'M TRYING TO MAKE SURE I HAVE EVERY BLOHSH HOODIE!" I ran downstairs trying not to trip. If you can't tell already, we're always late to something. But today, today I couldn't be late. I was flying to Australia to go to a Billie eilish concert! You see, I'm from Russia so we have very limited stuff and if you're late, your just not gonna go.

"Ok do you have every suitcase, every bag, all of the money you've saved?" my mom asked rushing me. "Yes mom. I have everything and the plane ticket is right here." I said pulling out a folded piece of paper. "Ok then! Let's hit the rode!" my mom said getting it the car. As we were about 10 minutes away from the airport, Everything I Wanted came on. I turned it on full volume bc that was my baby! Not really but I wish.

Timeskip to airport

We got everything out of the car and went straight up to the plane. I gave the kind lady my ticket and she took my stuff and put it away for me. I turned around to say bye to my mom. We weren't that sad because in 2 days she was coming down to Australia for work! "Ok bye mom! I love you soooooo much! I'll see you in 2 days!" I said to my mom. "Ok honey I love you to and text me as soon as you get there ok?" "Ok my mom bye!"

I got on the plane feeling nervous as fuck for some reason. I don't know why I was feel nervous because I've been on plenty of planes before. I turned on my phone and played Billie's songs. After that I slowly fell asleep.

Awaken by the HARD landing, I got excited! I was think about how in 3 hours I was going to be meeting my idol! I was already 18 so I pretty much new everything I needed to know about getting a hotel and renting a car. I called a Uber to pick my up and take me to the place to rent a car. After I arrived i played him and got my car.

Timeskip to hotel

I had finally got to my hotel so I had about an hour to get ready. I hurried and got in the shower even tho I took one about 4 hours but that didn't matter. I wanted to be fresh for Billie! When I got out of the shower I decided to throw on a pretty basic outfit but of course I had on a blohsh beanie! I was ready to go!

             Timeskip to meet and greet

It was finally my turn! I was meeting Billie fucking eilish! I walked up to her wanting to start sobbing but I had to keep my chill. She smiled almost as soon as I walked up to her.

Billie's POV

This was the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen in my life. She had on some camo sweatpants, a black sports bra, a black blohsh beanie with simple makeup.

She was also shorter than me which means she would have to look up to me which I found adorable.

Rose's POV

Billie was about 5'3 and I was 5'1 so I had to look up to her. I immediately pulled her into a tight hug and she started laughing. While she was laughing, I was starting to cry happy tears.

She noticed that I was crying and she started stroking my hair and then she kissed the top of my head.

Billie Eilish kissed the top of my head.

I pulled away and looked at billie. She cupped my cheeks and started wiping my tears away with her thumbs saying it was ok. Then she kissed my forehead. Of course I started blushing but quickly covered my mouth because I hated my smile.

I noticed she called her guard over and asked for a piece of paper and a pencil. She gave me a little note and pulled me into another hug and whispered to me
saying to stand by her guards after we finished hugging. We pulled away and she cupped my cheeks again saying I love you. OF COURSE I SAID IT BACK!!!!

I went to go stand by her guards and I read the note.

The note:

When you finish reading this give it to my guards so they can take you to my green room. By the way, your smile is beautiful so don't hide it.

So this is first story so don't judge 😭😭🤚🏽. I know it's not the best but I tried. I know that no one is going to read this lmao but I might come out with chapter 2 later or tomorrow. Also there are 825 words.

Lmaooo bye imaginary readers!💖💖

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