~ only chapter

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Of all the people on the isle who could hurt her, Uma never thought that CJ was going to be the one to get close enough to do it.

The isle of the lost was raw and unforgiving, with each turf trying to make their way to the top, regardless of who they trampled or where they ended up to achieve it.

They had been raised that way, after all.

Uma's pirates were well trained for this very reason, even Uma herself spent several hours a day practicing with her sword to perfect her technique and attacks; She had a lot to learn, but she was one of the best swordsmen on the isle.

It was because of this, that when CJ surprised them with an attack on the dock and almost sliced through her own brother's neck, Uma didn't even have time to think about her movements, and instantly intervened. Harry survived, but that cost her dearly.

It was a low blow, surprising them without giving them time to regroup, but no clean strikes could be expected on the isle. Even the unwritten rules were there to be broken. With unsteady steps, clutching the walls to steady herself, Uma cursed under her breath.

Thanks to the fact that she had been injured in the stomach and forehead, Uma was forced to leave the fight. Not because she wanted to, but because she was the captain. Everyone would care more about protecting her than saving their own skins, and that wasn't going to help anyone. Uma had to disappear and heal her wounds herself, and then when she was better, go find her crew and check the damage that had been done to them.

There was only one place that came to mind where she could do that, and she didn't know if it was a good idea to listen to her brain, but Uma didn't exactly have many other options.

She picked up a rock and threw it at the already bruised sign that led to the stair rail, and continued on her way. The noise in the dark alley should have already warned the person who spent most of their time there that someone was approaching, but still, Uma knocked on the door, unconsciously putting her hand on her stomach, trying to stop the blood that was pouring out from her wound.

She was greeted with a pair of emerald eyes that clearly denoted irritation, possibly from being interrupted from whatever it was they were doing. In any other situation, Uma would've made a bad joke just to keep annoying Mal, but given her circumstances, she wasn't in the mood, so she cut to the chase.

"Do you have room for someone else?"

Apparently, thanks to the harsh question, Mal really looked at Uma for the first time, and noticed her state. Wasting no time, Mal took her by the arm and guided her inside, not before looking both ways to see if anyone had followed Uma. She was bleeding, but she had managed to not leave a trail of blood behind her. That was something. She closed the door and locked it with a chain.

Uma wanted to move but her feet failed her, causing her to stumble, but Mal's arms saved her before her face connected gracefully with the floor.

"Looks like I'm falling for you."

Mal huffed and helped her up, passing one of Uma's arms around her neck while sliding one of her hands to her waist.
"Can you tell me what happened to you this time or you're just going to keep joking?" Mal asked, as she led Uma to her bed. (Saying that it was a bed was too much, it was simply a worn out mattress with holes on some pieces of wood, with purple thin sheets, but considering where they lived, even that was a luxury).

"Give me some credit. This is only the second time it's happened."

"Yes, and I wish it was the last, but you're not going to give me that satisfaction."

"What can I say?" Mal laid Uma on the bed with a care that did not transfer the anger she appeared to have. "I like to surprise you."

"Shut your mouth," Mal said, as she threw her a washcloth. "And press that to your forehead. I'm going to get the kit. And you better give me back everything I'm going to use to save your pathetic ass! " Mal yelled from afar, as she entered the small room that was the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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