7 ~ Take a break (pt. 2)

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Unbeknownst to everyone else, I was enjoying myself with Philip as Eliza and Angelica continued to try and convince Alexander to join them on summer vacation again, 10 years later.

"Alexander, take a break, please, love, we hardly see you outside anymore. A vacation could do you good, and you haven't seen the light of day in weeks! Darling, enjoy yourself, I'm sure father would love to see you again."

"Listen to your wife Alexander, she knows what she's talking about. Your bank plan is important, but can't you spend some time with your wife and children? I supported you while I was in England, but now I see that you're neglecting yourself, your wife, your friends, and your entire family for the sake of some stupid legacy! You won't have a legacy if you die from overworking yourself!"

Philip and I were curious about all the commotion, and we were both eavesdropping behind the door, trying to figure out what was going on.

Wait. I thought. John, you're a ghost, you can literally pass through things and go unnoticed, you idiot.

So I phased through the door and walked in on the two sisters shouting at Alexander, which, honestly, was pretty fair. I would have done the same too.

Alex rubbed his eyes, bloodshot and with deep eyeballs from them, their sparkling chocolate brown dulled by constant overworking.

"Please, love, I have to get my debt plan through, if I don't, I'll lose my job. You know that's what Washington told me."

"Come on, Alexander! Can't your debt plan wait for a month or so? A break in the sun will do you good!"

"Alexander I am helpless, don't you think I'm tired from raising the kids with virtually no assistance from you whatsoever! I'm under as much stress as you are, and ever since you were promoted to treasure secretary, you basically live in your office! Take a break, that would be enough!"

It looked as if Alex had had enough, as he slammed his hands on the desk, making us all jump. This wasn't the Alex I knew and loved, who while was a bit passionate, wouldn't go this far to get his point across.

"Stop it, Eliza! Do you want me to lose my job? I worked my ass off for all of this and I'm not going to stop now and let you ruin all my efforts! I wish I could join you, but if I do, I'll lose my job and our reputation will be tarnished forever! Is that the life you want for yourself and the children?"

His voice had risen to a yell, and as I looked over to Eliza, I could see her lip trembling as she fought back tears, while Angelica was undoubtedly restraining herself from shaking some sense into him.

"Let him stay, Eliza. We'll have such a good time he wishes he was there with us."

Shooting one last spiteful look back at Alexander, she guided her sister out of the room.

Alexander, what the actual hell was that? Did you just reject some quality time with your wife for work? You'd better make up for this.

I felt a small pat on my shoulder. Oops. I was feeling strong emotions again. Someone might see me. Swallowing my anger and frustration, I turned to Philip, who was nearly as tall as me. Funny how the time flies, isn't it?

Shaking myself out of my reverie, I blinked in surprise.

"Hey, kiddo. You heard all of that, huh?"

Philip nodded, his lip quivering in much the same way as his mother's.

"Shh, it's okay, Phil. Now can you do me a favour- no, actually two favours. Can you go and hug your mother for me?"

Wiping his tears away, he nodded.

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