Chapter 19

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Sehun's POV 

My car's engine roared as I impatiently drove to the mafia's compound. I almost hit one of the guards who were on the gate but I didn't really care about anything at the moment, not when it's Stella's life on the line.

Everything seemed invisible and all I could think of is Stella, but she's not here. 

"I want all of my men to get to work! Call our weapon supplier, buy everything they have." I commanded as soon as I exited my car.

"I need someone to track Kim Jongin's compound! Now!" Suho-hyung, my third in command, nodded without a question.

My mind is a mess, I don't even have time to think of what to do. I need to go to Stella. I need to see her. I have to save her. 

But I don't know where to find her.

"Sehun! Sehun!" Someone called me in the middle of my men doing what they're supposed to do.

"Sehun!" I followed the voice and saw Chanyeol-hyung running towards me.

"Sehun! What happened?" He asked me as he was nearing near me.

"He got her, hyung! He got her!" I said frustratedly, wanting to punch something at the same time.


"I was supposed to pick her up from work, but- but when I got there, she's not there anymore," I said, keeping my emotions as I can.

"Okay, calm down, we'll get her back. Let's think first of what to do." Hyung said, trying to control me, although he knows that's not going to happen.

"We can track her phone, is her phone with her?" He asked me.

"No! She left her phone on the table! Dammit!" I yelled, punching the wall beside me, not being able to control myself anymore.

"Calm down, Sehun. We're going to find her, okay? Calm down," Chanyeol-hyung said, tapping my shoulders in a brotherly way, but I'm too anxious at the moment to take note of it.

"But how.."

I sulked as I felt my knees give up. I sat down and hugged my knee, trying to calm myself down. When just as I felt my world is finally complete, it broke down immediately. My life is really a complete joke. Maybe fate is laughing at how pathetic I look like right now.


We've been digging non-stop for the last 2 days, but there are still no leads regarding Kim Jongin's whereabouts. We've been trying our best to track down everything we can 24/7, but nothing seems to be working.

I have one last option in order to solve this.  It is too dangerous for me but I have to do this for Stella. Tracking and tracking endlessly with no results meant there's no hope if I do things my way. What's the use of being the biggest mafia in South Korea if I can't even track the kidnapper of my wife.

I left the compound with the same anxiousness I had when I saw Stella is not there. I drove back to the place that I loathe all of my life.

"Sehun, what brings you here?" The voice of someone I promised not to be indebted to, rang in my ears as I entered the front door of the house where I grew up.

"Hyung." I acknowledged him as I slightly bowed, after all, I am the one who needs his help. I need to let go of my pride, it's for my wife. I keep telling myself that.

The sound of laughter resonated within the house. The house that felt warm before, but it is now nothing but a cold remembrance of my dark past.

"What's with the politeness? I'm not used to it. It's making me sick, stick to your old habits." This guy had the nerve to mock me. Breathe, Sehun, breathe. Don't mess this up because of your arrogance. Calm down, it's you who needs help, so calm yourself down.

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