.Stuck in a box. manly love #1

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NOTE: this will be in kirishimas perspective, it may switch but idk. There will be many different perspectives

   It all started to feel different after we finished that training. It was a simple task two people to a box for a sneak attack sort of thing. We were all asigned to a partner and i got Backugo. Suprising how they didnt put Izuku in the same box as him but i  can see why. What was going to happen was that we were going to be "shiped" over to one of the training facilities that was built to be like a villian base of some sort. It was also going to be an hour in a kinda cramped box with someone else. I hope the person who got Mineta is ok.

Aizawa: Ok everyone todays training may be tough for some of you but it was midnights idea so i cant really do anything about it.

Midnight: im so exited for this one!

Aizawa: yes.... well so what will happen is that there will be two people assigned to a box and you will be bolted in like its a real mission.

Midnight: so much sexual tension hehe :>!

Aizawa: yah guys im really sorry but i cant do anything cause Nezus ok with it.

(Everyone backs away from mineta)

Aizawa: ok this paper has the groups on it and yes you will have breathing holes denki.

Denki: oh..

Aizawa: ok the boxes are over there and please get in your hero outfits but not all of it like yours backugo those gauntlets will not let you have any space for you and Kirishima.

Backugo: shut up

Kirishima: yo its ok but yes your gauntlets are quite large haha!

Backugo: shut up shitty hair. (Tch)

Aizawa: ok once your ready get inside and well put you all in the back of the truck over there and drive you over to our villian base training site. It will also take an hour to get there.

(Everyone sighs)

Aizawa: go get ready now comon we dont have all day

Everyone: yes sir....-_-

We all got into the boxes and started on our way. It took awhile to get comfortable but it got really hot in there. I didnt know but my face had gotten quite red already. I had been feeling alittle different about Backugo each and everyday too but today i just felt so embarrassed. Then Aisawa went over a bump and we got fliped and then i was ontop of backugo. I started to burn up and i couldnt move. I felt like i was going to die.

Backugo: yo you alright shitty hair.

Kirishima: y-ye im f-fine hehe....

Backugo: well can you stop trying to be the top please its kind kinky.

Kirishima: oh sh... ye sorry haha
     I get back to where i was before and feel like i couldnt breathe. Backugo noticed i think and tryed to calm me down wich worked

Backugo: hey are you ok kiri- shitty hair?

Kirishima: oh ye im-im fine

Backugo: ok but if you feel like your gonna die just let me know ok.

     That made me feel better to know that he actually kinda cared for me though he did already. After about twenty minutes the van took a stop but we werent there yet.

Aizawa: Ok are you all doing alright

Everyone in the boxes: yeah kinda

Aizawa: ok just checking to make sure no one died.

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