weird feelings #2

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I blushed and realized why ive been feeling so different around backugo i... loved him. I got so flustered after thinking this that i didnt know what to do. I just felt... weird. Like something was crawling around inside me. I felt like i had a weight lofted of my shoulders after figureing out what might be causing this weirdness.

As we got back to our dorms aftet everything backugo came up to me and asked or more like ordered me to

Backugo: come to my room later k. Ill text when i want you too come

Kirishima: um o-ok haha!

I just when he said that i froze up. I started shaking and i didnt know what to do and i needed to sit down.

Sero: hey kirishima you look pale are you alright?

Mina: yeah did backugo do something like do you need to sit down?

Denki: yo get this man some water!

Kirishima: no it-its ok im f-fine re-really.

Mina: sure. Ive never seen you this pale though so are you sick or what.

Denki: your water.

Kirishima: thanks Denki and Mina im not sick im just fine.

Mina: well im taking your temperature stupid you need to take better care of yourself.

Kirishima: no really im f-fine

Mina: then whats wrong?!

Kirishima: oh just backugo said something to me thats all.

Mina: oh that backugo bastartds gonna get it. Right he said something bad right?

Kirishima: no it just startled me thats all

Mina: oh well then... get some rest ok you seem tired.

Kirishima: thankyou again

Mina: no probs we got you.

As i went up stairs i started to feel kinda sick. I didnt know what this was. Mabye i actually did catch something. I got to my room and flopped down on my bed feeling relevied and then i fell asleep. Until i heard my phone buzz. It was backugo telling me to come up and see him. I still dont know why he wants me too at... holy shiiii.... its 2 am. Very suspicios backugo very suspicios.

Backugo: there you are. Thought you died

Kirishima: oh haha funny well what did you want to see me for?

(Now in backugos room and not whispering)
Backugo: i just wanna ask you something

Kirishima:um ok what is it?

Backugo: dont freak out or anything i just have kind of a personal question.

Kirishima: its ok you can tell me anything.

Backugo: well will you go out with me? But dont say no youll die.

I froze up. I blushed so much that my whole body felt hot. I couldnt move or say anything. I just sat there, on his dorm floor, speechless, wide eyed, and frozen.

Backugo: its ok if you dont i was joking about the you dying part haha...

Kirishima: (silence)

Backugo: just forget i said anything alright. You can go back to your room now or whatever i dont care.

Finally i just snapped

Kirishima: I LIKE YOU TOO. Like LIKE you.

I just shouted that... what am i thinking. My mind is blank, im forgetting to breath, im still shaking and blushing. Then the most embarrassing thing happened. My quirk activated out of fear.

Backugo: oh shit. You ok....? Im glad you like me too also.

Kirishima: yes indeed haha...

Backugo: well your obviously nervous so how about we talk about this tomorrow.

Kirishima: yes that is a good idea.

I got up and walked out of his room saying goodnight and talk to you tomorrow like a normal polite person should do. When i got out it felt like i could breathe again and i could talk normal and walk and i wasnt hardened either wich was great. I felt free. I walked back but stopped dead in my tracks. Aizawa was up wandering the halls

Aizawa: cats are nice...zzzZz

Well luckily he was just sleep walking or i would be in alot of trouble. Well back to my room. When i got back i fell.asleep quicklyand soundly. Well i thought it was nice untill my dreams became scenarios of backugo and me doing... things. I woke up in a cold sweat again feeling sick but even worse. Like i actually was gonna through up. I went to the bathroom and then i was ok. Now back to bed.

The next morning has arrived and i cant get up. Im paralyzed and i cant move. I dont know why but i feel so disgusting. I can atleast type on my phone.

We are now texting

I cnam barlmy moven or typez. Ughg

                                               Whats wrong
                                                 Are you sick
                                          What happened
I feeel rlly sik
Ik sneeds helpp

                                 Im coming over now

Ok thxssz

We are done texting

In acouple seconds i hear knocks on my door and an angry pomeranian comes charging in.

Backugo: are you alright, were you hit by a quirck, what happened, do you feel sick, can you get up?

Kirishima: calm down calm down im f-fine *erp* uggh mabye not.

Backugo: im getting recovery girl now just wait and try to stay conscious OK!

Kirishima:*erp* o-ok

After hearing screams of some of my friends getting pushed over by backugo who is running down the hallway he comes back with tecovery girl and Aizawa. I didnt think it'd be this serious if i probably just had the flu. Or he just cares about me alot as he kinda said last night. Aizawa kinda left imediatly and recovery girl just said i had a bad case of the flu. Nothing to big i just should stay in the nurses as it was very hard to breathe after a bit.

Backugo: im glad its just a flu. I didnt know what to do so i just acted on instinct. Sorry if i overwhelmed you a bit

Kirishima: no no *cough cough* im ok dont worry about me.

Backugo: im just glad your ok and safe.

Kirishima: thankyou

Time passed as we talked more and eventually it was bedtime and backugo stayed right next to me the whole time alsl helping me get ready abit as i could barley walk. The reason i got it was that there was some sort of flu floating around in the training facility area where i got trapped and couldnt get out untill backugo saved me. It just got to me quickly but i eventually became better. It was a nice way to start off my relationship with him.

Kirishima: (whispers) i love you backugo.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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