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Hisoka x Kinta x Y/N one shot Lemon

"Forty five minutes late-" Y/N sighed heavily as she nursed her fruity drink at the bar.
She propped her elbow up in the ledge and rested her chin in the palm of her hand, Y/N's date was forty five minutes late. They had agreed to meet here at this little bar in York New earlier this week, but it was starting to look like they weren't going to show up.
"Another no show." Y/N sighed again, taking a long swing of her drink. She'd had her hopes up about this one, they'd seemed so sweet online and pretty based off the pictures she'd seen. But she'd been stood up, again.
Perhaps it was for the best, the last date Y/N had, he'd looked nothing like his profile pictures. She shivered at the memorie, having expected a man in his mid-twenties, only to be greeted by a decrepit old man that had to be in his eighties at least. At least being stood up was better than that. A soft chuckle from across the bar caught her attention as she looked up, her eyes fell on a man with striking red hair and pale skin. His hair was slicked back against his head, he wore a pale blue button down, fitted black pants and- heels? He was sitting at one of the tables across the bar, slowly swirling an amber drink in his hand. When he finally looked up, his piercing golden eyes met hers.
Y/N felt frozen in place for a moment as his golden gaze looked her up and down before a smile spread across his face and the man winked at her. Her cheeks burned as she looked away from the man, staring down into her drink. That man was hot, beautiful even, he was so out of her league. 
"Hellooo-" A female voice purred as the chair next to her squeaked.
Y/N looked up into a pair of striking emerald green eyes. Another girl had sat down next to her, her strawberry blonde hair shimmered in the low lighting of the bar. The girl wore a low-cut, dark green top with a black skirt, and strappy black heels.
"Waiting for somebody?" The green-eyed girl purred as she propped her elbow up on the bar, signaling the bartender 
"Ye-yeah." Y/N stumbled over her words, dragging her gaze away from the other girls captivating green eyes. "I had a date."
"Where is he?" The girl cocked her head, offering her a soft smile.
Something seemed off about this girl, outwardly she seemed very sweet and definitely pretty. But something about her made Y/N's hair stand on end. "She didn't show."
The girl blinked,a small smile slowly spreading across her mouth. "Well, her loss. I can't imagine what would be worth standing up a beauty like you."
Y/N's cheeks began to burn again as she finished the last of her drink, nervously tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"May I buy you a drink?" The girl chuckled lightly as she signaled the bartender.
"Only if you tell me your name." Y/N sighed as she set her empty glass down.
A broad smile broke out over her face. "My name's Kinta, yours?"
"Y/N" The girl smiled back at Kinta, perhaps this night wouldn't be so bad.
"Getting yourself into trouble, kitten~?" A voice purred behind her, making the hairs on the back of Y/N's neck stand on end.
Kinta looked behind her, offering the male voice a closed-eyed smile as he settled into a seat next to Y/N. "I'm just testing the waters, magic man."
Magic man? Y/N slowly turned, her face burning even more intensely to see the beautiful red-haired man from earlier sitting next to her.
"What's your name, little fruit~?" The man's golden eyes raked over her as the bartender slid their drinks down the bar. The man didn't even look at it, just held his hand out as he smoothly caught it without taking his gaze off her.
"My- my na-names Y/N." She stumbled over her words, feeling like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.
The man simply cocked his head at her, studying her red face as he smirked at her. "Adorable~"
"Ah-" Y/N cleared her throat and as she shakily wrapped a hand around her drink and took a sip. "What's yours?"
Both of them had their eyes on her, between Kinta's dazzling green eye and Hisoka's piercing golden gaze, Y/N suddenly felt like she was being hunted. The thought made her both nervous and a little excited.
"Y/N~ this might be a little forward, but perhaps you can settle a debate between Kinta and I~" Hisoka murmured as he swirled his drink in the glass, the ice clicking softly as he did.
"Um- ok?" Y/N hesitantly looked back up at the man, her gaze falling on his massive hands that made the glass look like a small toy.
"Whose face would look better between your thighs? Mine or Kinta's~?"
A small squeak escaped Y/N's lips as she slapped a hand over her mouth, shocked at the man's forward pick-up line.
"Hisoka!" Kinta scolded from the otherside of Y/N. "That's a terrible pick-up line!"
The man simply chuckled as he turned and took a drink from his glass.
"I was going to say-" Kinta spoke up as Y/N turned to face her. "You could be our happy meal."
Y/N's eyes went wide. "Ha-happy meal-?" She quickly took a drink from her glass, what was with these two? They were awfully forward, but she couldn't say she wasn't liking the attention.
"Well, if you play with us- you'll cum with a toy inside." Kinta purred.
Y/N almost spit out her drink, sputtering and coughing a little as Kinta simply giggled at her reaction before taking a sip from her own drink.
"Cute~"  Hisoka laughed from behind her.
"Ahh-" Y/N cleared the throat, setting her drink down and slowly swirling the liquid with her straw. Her face burned almost painfully, even the tips of her ears burned. "Wh-what are you two insinuating?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Kinta cocked her head.
"We are insinuating that if you came and played with us~" Hisoka reached out behind her and twisted a bit of Y/N's hair between his fingers. "That it'll be the night of your life~"
Another small squeak escaped Y/N's lips, freezing in her chair as Hisoka slowly let the strand of hair slide out of his fingers. What the hell was with these two? Was it just their words that formed this knot of anxiety in her stomach? Or was it some soft of primal instinct that told her these two were dangerous and that she should run from them?
Then again, when would she get an opportunity like this again? She had really been looking forward to this date, even going as far as to wear her cutest matching bra and pantie set. So it's not like she wasn't hoping to get laid tonight. Her anxiety was probably just from their forwardness, right?
"I don't think she's interested." Kinta sighed as she sat back in her seat to look over Y/N at Hisoka.
"Pity~" Hisoka sighed as they both turned in their seats to move away from her.
"Okay-" Y/N spoke quietly, but both of them heard her as they paused.
"Ok." She spoke more firmly this time, swallowing dryly as she turned in her seat and looked up at the two of them. "I want to play."
A strange sensation washed over her skin, like pins and needles all over her body. It made her shiver as Kinta smiled broadly and offered her hand out.
"We are going to have so much fun, Y/N. " Kinta purred as Y/N took her hand and slipped off the bar stool. 
Kinta walked with Y/N in tow out of the bar, back towards the hotel lobby. Were they staying in the same hotel as her? The girl looked at her over her shoulder and giggled at Y/N's face still growing redder by the minute. Hisoka trailed behind them, Y/N could feel his intense gaze on her as she walked, her skirt lightly brushed her thighs as she moved and her heels clicked on the stone flooring of the hotel lobby. Kinta stopped in front of one of the elevators, rocking forwards on the balls of her feet as they waited for the elevator to arrive.
Y/N's eyes traveled over her, her black skirt swayed  as she moved, showing off her toned legs. Even her arms were well toned, with fine lines of muscle running across her shoulders.  The elevator doors dinged as they opened, Y/N found her eyes traveling over Kinta's butt as they entered the small space. Even hidden in a skirt, she could tell the girl had beautiful body, built like a goddess.
"Enjoying the view~?" Hisoka murmured behind Y/N, bending so his lips brushed her ear.
Y/N froze in place, she'd been so distracted by Kinta that she'd almost forgotten about the god-like man standing right behind her. The sensation on pins and needles returned over her skin as the man brushed a strand of hair away from her neck, one of his impossibly long nails scraping her neck as he did. 
Kinta turned to face her in the elevator, cocking her head and smiling at Y/N's reaction to Hisoka as the man's fingers lightly trailed down her neck. His finger traced under her jawline until it sat under her chin, rocking Y/N's head back to look up  at the man's golden eyes. He bent, his lips lightly brushing hers as his finger trailed back down her neck, over her throat and between her breasts. She shivered under his touch, the sensation of pins and needles getting stronger by the second. A part of her instincts told her to run, but there was no escaping these two now. Y/N had agreed to play with a pair of devils tonight. She shivered as Hisoka bent further, his lips now brushing her neck, she could feel his breath on her skin just as the elevator dinged and came to a stop. 
Y/N looked back across the space at Kinta, her green eyes had darkened as she watched them but the smile never left her lips.
"Careful~"  Hisoka murmured, just as the elevators dinged and Kinta turned to walk out. "She can be a little possessive~"
"You're one to talk!" Kinta laughed as she approached one of the door's in the long hallway.
She pushed the door open and turned back to Y/N, grabbing the girls wrist again and pulling her out of Hisoka's grasp as they entered the hotel room. Before she could even blink Y/N found herself pinned under Kinta on the massive bed, the other girl braces herself over her, smiling down at Y/N before bending and placing a gentle but demanding kiss on her lips. Kinta's free hand trailed her fingers over her chest, letting her hands  graze over the top of Y/N's nipple through her shirt and thin bra. Y/N let one arm wrap around the back of Kinta's head, as she nipped her lower lip. Kinta simply chuckled against her lips before opening for her, letting their tongues glide against each other as her hand slowly pushed Y/N's top down. Kinta tasted like brown sugar bourbon, sweet with a bit of a bite behind it.
She pulled away from Kinta's kiss when she heard the scraping of a chair sliding across the floor. Y/N looked over, as Kinta began nibbling her way down her neck, earning a soft sigh from Y/N. Hisoka had hooked a chair with his foot, pulling it under him as he sat down. The man leaned forwards in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees before lacing his fingers together and resting his chin there. 
"What's this?" Kinta lifted her head from Y/N's neck just as her hand slipped inside of her bra. She palmed Y/N's breast gently before adjusting herself lower, looking up at the man over the swell of Y/N's breasts. "You're not going to join?"
"I want to watch you play with our toy for a while~" Hisoka purred
"T-toy?" Y/N stammered, trying not to moan as Kinta's fingers lightly rolled her nipple between them.
"What did you think we meant when we asked you to come play with us~?" Hisoka chuckled from his chair just as Kinta's teeth grazed Y/N's neck.
She slowly kissed her way lower, pushing the fabric of her top away to expose her breasts and kissed her way over her collar bone. Kinta's gently massaged Y/N's breast before taking her nipple between her fingers and lightly pinching the tender bud, earning a soft sigh from Y/N as her mouth found her other breast. She flicked her tounge over her nipple as Kinta's hand began to trail lower, sliding down her side until she reached the end of Y/N's skirt and lightly trailed her fingers up the inside of her thigh.
Y/N's eyes fluttered as Kinta took her tender nipple between her lips, letting her teeth graze the skin as her fingers traced the damp fabric between Y/N's legs. "Someone's a little excited-" Kinta murmured against her breast. "You're already wet for us? How cute."
Y/N's cheeks started to burn as Hisoka chuckled from his spot in the chair, his golden eyes seemed to glow in the dimly lit room as he watched the two girls. A soft moan escaped her lips as Kinta slipped her hand into her panties, lightly stroking her clit as her mouth found Y/N's other nipple.
"Ahh-" Y/N groaned as her body shivered under Kinta's skilled touch, the girl had taken her clit between her fingers and was gently rolling the sensitive bud as she nipped her nipple before soothing the skin with her tongue.
Kinta removed her lips from her nipple and slowly began to kiss her way lower, hooking a finger in the waistband of her skirt as she pulled it down off her legs before doing the same with her panties. Y/N's face began to burn as Kinta got on her knees between her legs, a smirk pulled the corner of the girl's mouth as she slowly trailed her tongue up the inside of Y/N's leg.
"Relax Y/N." Kinta murmured, her emerald eyes turning dark with lust. She could feel the girls breath against her wet core as Kinta slid her arms under her thighs and held her legs in place. "Be a good girl and we'll take care of you."
A loud moan erupted from Y/N's chest as Kinta finally bent her head and slid her tongue between her wet lips. Her breath hitched in her throat as Kinta focused the pressure over her clit before going lower, sliding her tongue inside of her while using her nose to continue stroking Y/N's tender bud.
"Ah- god-" Y/N whimpered, her hips already lifting off the bed as Kinta worked her. The sensation of pins and needles returned over her skin as she looked back at Hisoka, who's gaze had also darkened with lust as he slowly stood from his chair.
"Good with her mouth, isn't she~?" He purred as he slowly stalked towards her.
Y/N sunk her teeth into her lower lip, nodding tightly as she tried to stifle another loud moan. Kinta simply groaned as she devilved her tongue even deeper inside Y/N, cinching her arms around her thighs to keep her hips in place.
"May I see what you can do with yours~?" Hisoka chuckled, slowly trailing a hand over his abdomen and pushing the waistband of his pants down until his hard member sprung from its cage.
Y/N's eyes went wide as she hesitantly opened her mouth of him, the man smirked as he slowly slid his large member between her lips. She could only take about half his length before she'd gag, but the man seemed to enjoy that, taking his time as he gently thrusted in and out of her mouth. A soft groan escaped his lips.
"Not bad, little fruit~" One of his massive hands gently stroked her cheek as Y/N desperately tried not to gag on his length. "You just need a little practice~" Hisoka's nails grazed her skin as his hand trailed lower, tracing light circles over her nipples with the points of his nails.
"Such a good girl-" Kinta suddenly purred as she pulled her mouth away, readjusting herself so her lips closed in on Y/N's clit again, causing the girl to moan loudly as she gently sucked on the tender bud.
Y/N tried to cry out as she felt Kinta's fingers slowly stretching her entrance, but Hisoka's member gagged her as Kinta began a slow but deep pace with her hand. The girl curled her fingers inside of her, stroking the most sensitive places as her mouth worked her clit. Y/N's legs closed around her head as her release grew, the only thing stifling her moans was Hisoka's member in her mouth.
A low groan escaped the man's lips as Y/N's moans sent vibrations through him, her hips lifted as Kinta picked up the pace with her hand, thrusting into her deeply as her teeth lightly grazed the tender bud before soothing the area again with her tongue. Hisoka's fingers pinched her nipples, tugging upwards on them lightly as the two of them brought Y/N closer to her release.
A soft whimper escaped her lips as Hisoka pulled out fo her mouth, chuckling as he bent and propped her head up with his hand. "I want you to watch my little kitten eat you out~" He purred in her ear as he let her head rest on his shoulder, bringing his massive hands around to massage her breast's as Kinta quicked her pace more.
"Ahug- fuck yes!" Y/N's body quivered with the promise of her release, practically panting through Kinta's deep and grueling pace. "P-please, I'm gonna- ahhh-"
Kinta locked her lips around Y/N's clit, not letting up her pace with her hand as Hisoka bent and began trailing his tongue up her neck. His hands still played with her nipples as her head rested on his shoulder.
"Cum for us~ little toy~" Hisoka purred in her ear.
As if on cue, Y/N practically came unglued under the pair's skilled hands. She cried out with the force of her release, her hips bucked as she tried to escape the pressure that was over stimulating her. But both of them growled, tightening their grip on Y/N to hold her in place as Kinta continued her pace through her orgasm. Y/N whimpered and moaned as she came, her body shuddered as she slowly began to come down. Kinta turned and slowly drug her tongue up the inside of her thigh, licking up the last of her juices before finally releasing her legs.
Y/N was still panting as Hisoka released her as well, she propped herself up on her elbows as the man reached across the bed and grabbed a fist full of Kinta's golden red hair and pulled her into him for a rough kiss. She groaned against Hisoka's lips as they kissed, their tongues slid against each other as the sound of wet kisses filled Y/N's ears.
"Kitten~"Hisoka murmured against her lips before pulling away from her, a thin line of saliva still connecting their mouths for a brief moment before breaking. "Would you show our new friend how to give a proper blowjob~?"
A sly smile spread over Kinta's face. "Gladly-" She purred, turning to Y/N and motioning her closer with a curl of her finger. She positioned herself on her knees at the edge of the bed as Hisoka stood next to her, she wrapped her small hand around his thick length and began gently stroking him as Y/N settled on her knees next to Kinta.
"Two little tricks of the trade love." Kinta spoke to Y/N before turning and flicking her tongue over the head of Hisoka's member, earning her a soft groan. "Stick your tongue out, and don't forget to breathe through your nose. Focus on your breathing and it'll help control your gag reflex."
She winked at Y/N before turning back to Hisoka, sticking her tongue out and wrapping her lips around his member.  Y/N's eyes went wide as she watched the girl take his massive member all the way down her throat, she could see the muscles in her throat expand and contract as she bobbed up and down on his length. A soft growl rumbled from Hisoka's chest as he put his hand on the back of Kinta's head.
"Good girl~" He groaned.
Y/N watched in awe as Kinta, who was smaller than she was, easily took the mans massive member up and down her throat. Only gagging occasionally, her eyes watered as she looked up at Hisoka, moaning softly which only earned her another-louder- moan from Hisoka. She finally pulled away from him, releasing his cock with a soft popping sound before slowly licking her lips.
"You got to watch me and her play, now I want to watch you and Y/N play." Kinta giggled as she slipped off the bed, stripping out of her clothing as she sauntered over to Hisoka's chair and sitting down in it, resting her elbow on the arm of the chair as she rested her chin on her hand.
Y/N suddenly found herself flipped, the side of her face being pressed into the mattress as Hisoka positioned himself behind her. He leaned over the top of her, his member pressing against her entrance as his lips brushed the shell of her ear.
"Kinta has a soft spot for other women~ but I won't be nearly as gentle~" He growled against her ear as he roughly sheathed himself inside of her.
Y/N cried out as he stretched her, fisting the sheets as he began roughly thrusting into her. Soft whimpers escaped her lips as Hisoka's member stretched her to her limit.
"Awwe-" Kinta purred from her seat. "Is he too big for you? Poor little thing-"
A soft growl erupted from Y/N's chest at Kinta's teasing, thrusting her hips back to try and meet Hisoka's thrusts. But she hadn't realized that she wasn't even taking his full length, and yelped when he was forced deeper inside of her.
"Ohh god-" Y/N panted as Hisoka continued his deep and rough pace, burying her face in the mattress to try and muffle her loud moans.
"Oh no~" Hisoka groaned, reaching up and grabbing a fist full of Y/N's hair and pulled her head back up. "Let us hear your moans little toy~"
He picked up the pace, sheathing his full length inside of her as Y/N cried out with a mixture of pain and pleasure. She fisted the sheets as Hisoka held one hand in her hair and the other at the small of her back, holding her in place and deepening her arch of her back. 
Kinta slowly slid out of her chair, crawling to the foot of the bed on her hands and knees as she watched Y/N. She positioned herself infront of her face, smiling cruelly as Y/N's bright red face and desperate cries of pleasure as Hisoka continued to rail into her so roughly it pushed her forwards on the bed.
"I probably should have told you-" Kinta murmured as her fingers trailed up Y/N's neck, Hisoka tugged harder on her hair to force her head higher and give him more leverage. Kinta took the opportunity to trail her tongue up Y/N's neck before speaking with her lips against the shell of her ear. "The safe word is red. If you want us to stop, just say red. Ok sweetheart?"
"Ye- yes!" Y/N cried, her legs beginning to quiver with the promise of her next release.
"Say it." Kinta pulled her head back and slowly wrapped her hand around Y/N's throat before tightening her grip. "Say it , Y/N."
"Uag- god, please-" Y/N gasped against Kinta's choking grip. "R-red!"
"Good girl-" Kinta purred just as Hisoka growled loudly, somehow picking up the pace even more.
Y/N would have screamed if Kinta's hand wrapped around her throat didn't gag her. Her cry came out as desperate squeaks and groans as her release washed over her, but Hisoka didn't let up his pace. Hot juices dripped down the insides of her thighs and her hips bucked as she came, her eyes fluttered and rolled back before Kinta planted a kiss on her lips. Slipping her tongue inside as she continued to choke Y/N through her oragasm. She could still taste herself on Kinta's lips as they kissed, her body began to sag against the mattress as she finally came down off her high.
Kinta pulled away and released her neck as Hisoka pulled out of her, Y/N inhaled deeply, catching her breath as Kinta and Hisoka readjusted themselves. Hisoka lay on his back as Kinta crawled over the top of him, taking his face in both of her hands as she kissed him deeply. Hisoka wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him as they kissed.
Y/N couldn't help but admire the two of them as she caught her breath. A strange energy radiated from them, their electric connection was almost palpable in the air. Their hands, while roughly grabbing and tearing into each other like animals- there was still a certain tenderness between them that almost made Y/N jealous. She longed for a connection like theirs.
Kinta groaned as she straddled Hisoka's waist, sheathing him inside of her as she rocked her head back and began slowly riding him. Hisoka put a hand on her hip to guide her before his golden eyes met Y/N's, a smirk pulled the corner of his mouth as he motioned her over with a curl of his finger.
A blush burned Y/N's cheeks as she hesitantly crawled across the bed. She looked down at Hisoka and then back at Kinta, confused as to what they wanted from her.
Kinta giggled at her confused and flustered face. "Sit on his face Y/N-" She purred as she reached out and grabbed Y/N chin, pulling her closer as one of Hisoka's arms wrapped around her waist. "You can ride his face, while I ride his cock and we can play with each other."
Y/N let out a nervous laugh as Hisoka guided her hips over his face, sliding his tongue between her wet lips before she lowered herself over him. Hisoka let out a low moan that sent vibrations straight to Y/N's core. His long tongue slid over her clit as his nose traced her entrance.
Kinta leaned forwards, continuing to bounce on his member as she wrapped an arm around the back of Y/N's neck and pulled her in for another kiss. She groaned against the girl's lips as Hisoka's skilled tongue worked her, Kinta's hand came down and palmed Y/N's breast.
Y/N leaned into Kinta's kiss, their tongues exploring the insides of each other's mouths as they rode Hisoka. She hesitantly reached out and palmed Kinta's small breast, Kinta rewarded her by groaning against her lips and pushing her breast farther into her hand.
Hisoka got his feet under him, and thrusted upwards into Kinta roughly, the girl pulled away from Y/N as a soft cry escaped her lips. She cocked her head as she pinched Kinta's nipple between her fingers, earning a guttural moan from the girl as Hisoka set a grueling pace with her.
Y/N moaned softly, enjoying watching Kinta lose herself in ecstasy as she ground her hips against Hisoka's face. Her hand trailed lower, tracing the lines of muscle over Kinta's abdomen as she slipped a finger between her legs. But Y/N didn't have nearly as much experience as these two and didn't find her clit right away.
A soft chuckle escaped Kinta as she took her hand and guided Y/N to her sensitive spot, groaning and arching into her when she finally found it.
"Y/N-" Kinta groaned her name as she rolled the tender bud between her fingers.
Kinta's hands came up and palmed Y/N's breast's as she leaned in and gently nibbled her way down her neck. The two girls moaned as they played with each other, Hisoka's muffled moans made Y/N shiver as his tongue deviled deep inside of her. His hands tightened on Kinta's hips as he picked up the pace, the meaty slap of his and Kinta's hips meeting filled the room as Kinta began to tremble with the promise of her release.
Y/N legs tightened around Hisoka's face, earning a guttural growl from the man that almost pushed her over the edge. She panted as Kinta worked her neck and nipples, Y/N's hand still stroked Kinta's clit as she wrapped an arm around Y/N's back. She dug her nails in lightly, both the girls shivered as their release built.
"Yes- don't stop-" Y/N groaned as Hisoka's tongue found her clit again.
"Yes- Ahh god yes-" Kinta moaned against her neck, her hot breath tickled Y/N's skin. She rocked her head back and let out a loud cry as her release took her.
Her hips bucked against Hisoka's as he let out a loud guttural moan, his body shivered as he came and his moans sent vibrations through Y/N that pushed her over the edge as she also cried out with the force of her orgasm. Their symphony of ecstasy filled the room before they slowly came down.
Kinta and Y/N slipped off Hisoka as he stayed in place for a moment, all of them panting from their time together. Y/N swayed slightly from her spot on the bed, suddenly feeling exhausted from the vigorous session. Hisoka simply chuckled, grabbing both of the girls arms and pulled them down on top of him. Kinta snuggled into his chest on his left side, while Y/N relaxed against him on the right.
"You both did so well, you impressed me Y/N~" Hisoka purred as he brought his hands up and smoothed both of the girls hair. "Have you ever had a threesome before~?"
Y/N sleepily shook her head. "No- that was my first time."
"Well you did great." Kinta grinned at her from across Hisoka's chest. "We should have you over to play again." Her eyes suddenly darkened as she sleepily laid her head on Hisoka's chest.
The man chuckled at her. "You get so sleepy after a session~ it's adorable~" he ruffled her hair playfully.
"Hmm-" She smiled softly as her eyes slowly began to close. "What do you say, Y/N? Will you come play with us again?"


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