Chapter Four

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The four survivors journeyed their way in the devastated New York, decorated by toppled skyscrapers and flipped taxi cabs. They managd to make their way down the naked streets of Manhattan with ease. The dark grey clouds formed above them as they continued down the street.

Jay peered over his shoulder at North, who seemed to be lagging behind with China, exchanging conversation. Tyrese snuck a look at Jay.

China had one hand grasped around the strap of her backpack as she continued playing thumb-wrestle with North in her free hand, giggling as North got even more frustrated as he took another loss. It amazed Jay how China could be so happy, not even worried about the destruction around herself and how she was able to make North take his mind off of this depressing area, yet Jay admired it.

"Those two are fine, relax." Tyrese nagged as he nudged Jay with his elbow. "We wouldn't have them tagging along if they didn't have any experience."

Tyrese was Jay's right-hand man, the voice of reason amongst the group. He was the tallest one out of everyone. He had dark, mocha brown skin that had a few scars here and there, his black dreads were tied back into a low ponytail that had stopped mid-way along his backside, his bright brown eyes narrowing themselves at Jay's awkward posture. His muscular arms flexed as he stretches his arms before him. Like China, he was good-natured and friendly, however, he is also a realist when it comes to being among the surface. He was often known to be the recluse of the group, though he was often caught assisting Nikki with mechanics and cooking.

Jay turned his head to face Tyrese. "I know, but..."

"I get that you worry for them, they are still kids, but China has the athletic skill of an Olympian while North's ROTC lessons are paying off by his kick-ass rifle skills." Tyrese chuckled. "Let them have their fun."

Jay grinned, taking one last look at the two as China showed off a toothy grin, and North, aggressively snatching her hand for a rematch.

"Dammit China! You cheated!" North angrily grumbled, feeling his thumb crushed underneath China's.

"Come on, you'll win next time!" China chirped eagerly, closing her eyes with a blissful grin.

"Nah, I'm sure we're close to the gas station." North declined, tightening his grip around the rifle in his hands.

China yawned a little. "No worries, we can play when we go back."

She narrowed her eyes at North's rifle. "Oooh, shiny." She cooed.

North smirked, lifting his rifle up with pride. "I know, spent the whole night polishing this bad girl." He boasted. His obsession with guns stirred curiosity amongst the other survivors.

"Woah-really?" China responded in awe. The group came to a stop in front of a vacant building, Tyrese and Jay had both turned around to face the two teens who swiftly gazed at what was supposed to be the gas station.

"Okay, you two will stay put here," Tyrese instructed while he held his pointer finger up. "Look for simple tools like pliers, lighters, gasoline. Jay and I are going several blocks further to see if we can find other parts we need for the shelter." He added.

"Sierra's Shed," North repeated only to earn an approving nod from Tyrese.

"We need extra things in order to keep our generator running, along with other things in the shelter," Jay explained. "Clear enough?"

"Transparent." North clarified as he adjusted the strap of his rifle. Jay turned to China swiftly.

"The walkie-talkie?" Jay asked, China reached in the back of her backpack to pull it out.

"I won't forget it," She reassured him. Jay turned to Tyrese, giving him a nod.

"That about sums it, let's go." And with that said, Jay and Tyrese trotted their way around the corner and down the street.

Now left alone, North gazed up at the brick building, the sign "Pit Stop" was covered in dust and moss that grew around on the brick corners, the windows were boarded with decaying wooden planls and the glass seemed to have shattered everywhere around the door. It was hard to even recognize the gas station without it's sign.

China and North entered the grimy building, welcomed by nothing but complete darkness. North let out an annoyed grunt and started groping on the wall for a light switch.

He heard a slight flick and a dim light appeared before him, with China standing behind it. "You have a flashlight?" He asked, coming closer to the light.

The dull white brick walls around them had chipped pieces of paint gathered on the floor, the ceiling lights dangled out of place as if they were on the verge of falling, a door was set on the far left corner of the room.

China giggled a little. "I'm always prepared."

That's embarrassing, I should've known by now that the light switches in areas like these are blown to hell. North thought to himself.

North narrowed his eyes around the store, his lips form into a straight line as he cut his eyes back down at China as he realized that there is nothing but naked shelves and old newspapers scattered along the black and white floor. "There's hardly anything here." North grunted, sliding his hands in his pockets.

"There's always useful things everywhere." China chirped theatrically, "You just have to look."

North rolled his eyes at China's, ever-so-giddy smile. "I think you just get happy about anything."

China, as if she didn't hear his snarky remark, continued down into the store, moving her flashlight from left to right, top to bottom. North slowly followed her, making sure she didn't run across anything that might hurt her.

"See." China broke the silence once more and crouched down to the bottom shelf of the aisle, plucking some pliers that were still enclosed in a plastic box off the floor. "The world is our oyster, North."

Give me a break. North thought to himself.

"Isn't too early for your chipperness?" North grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Never is." China responded, she held her wrist out in front of her, a watch was revealed from her pulled sleeve. North sauntered to China and peered down at the small clock with her.

"It's been two in the morning-ish." China read out loud, North held back a laugh, as realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

" said that Monday, and the day before that...and it's been in the same position, I think it's broken." North informed her. "Plus, we all left at seven in the morning."

China stared idly back at him. North made a frown. "You didn't notice that the minute hand isn't budging?"

"Oh." A smile displayed across her face, she made a turn and continued down the aisle, as if she had been oblivious to North's statement.

I forgot that she's a bit of an airhead. North thought quietly to himself. Almost everyone in the bunker became aware of China's flaw, when it came to memorizing and certain interactions, China was always known to be a little slow.

North continued to stare at China with a hint of pity as she crouched down to face the bottom shelf, her dainty hands clutched a pair of duct tape.

A loud thud caused both of them to wince. North instinctively prepared his rifle, China's muscles relaxed as she stood back up, using her hand to lower his aim.

"Relax." She said in a soothing voice. She turned around to face the closet where the loud sound resonated from, the sign in the closet is plastered in black print: Employees only.

She started to saunter towards it but North aggressively tried to pull her back by clasping his hand on her shoulder. "China!" He seethed through gritted teeth. "Are you crazy?"

"Just about." China joked as she reached for the doorknob, giving it a sharp twist and opening it.

A short yelp ripped through the air and China fell back onto the tiled floor, with a strange boy clobbered on top of her.

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