Tournament Arc! (POV Kacchan)

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after he got out of the hospital  he stopped bothering me as much.

Though, I was very suspicious of his new friend, blood girl.

We got through the last year of middle school with out incident and it seemed Deku had given up on his stupid dream.

He still went to UA, which pissed me off because I was still supposed to be the only one to make it.

Not only that but his f***k'n creep girl friend followed him.

The good thing was that they didn't even bother with the hero course.

The went straight to general.

From there on i sort of just ignored their existence things were almost peaceful.

That is if it were not for the loads of powerful opponents  in my class. 

Half and half bastard just ignored everyone like he thought he was better than us all.

Glasses was always bugging me about proper class etiquette.

Ponytail thought she was the smartest in the room at all times.

Shitty hair would not leave me alone.

 Nor would racoon eyes soy sauce face braindead Pikachu and others.

I honestly did not mind it for some reason.

Especially Shitty hair.

I got over the initial anxiety of no longer being the best pretty quickly and vowed to become the best.

I don't like thinking back to this but the first truly traumatic event of the year was the LOV incident.

I tried my best to fight against the villains but I know and knew back then that I was just getting in the way of the heroes half the time.

I was very relieved, though I did not at all show it, when all might then the other pros showed up.

I really did not know what would have happened if they had not shown up when they did.

For some reason when I saw Deku as we headed home after school that day he pissed me off more than ever before.

(I mean he probably just made me feel weak somehow. but I would not have thought that back then)

I was so pissed that I didn't even speak the entire way home.

I then went straight to my room not talking to anyone.

Soon after that was the sports festival.

It was the perfect time to show how much better than everyone else I was.

The stupid extras from the other class even knew that and challenged our class directly.

Some bottom feeder extra from gen studies even showed up and gave us some news that really pissed me off once again. 

He said that gen students could transfer to hero if they are good enough in the tournament.

That go me thinking.

I knew that Deku couldn't get into the hero course but what if he still hadn't gotten that through his thick scull.

This was kept bottled up inside me through to the tournament. 

He won the obstacle course and thought I knew it!

He is trying to beat me down.

he was just giving me a false confidence.

That useless cockroach thought he could beat me in this and shove it in my face once and for all.

Then he moved past the next round and on to the actual tournament.

He didn't even have try against the purple f**k that came to 1A's door with 1B.

That guy was even more useless than him.

It crossed the line when he tried to compete with half and half bastard.

What was he even thinking in that.

Was he really that deluded that he thought he could beat that guy?

I decided to approach him to get to the bottom of this and put him back in his place like i always used to.

I knew things had gone out of control at this.

".....If you were my brother or even a decent person you would have cared when my mom died and you would never have been such an A** hole to me. You want to know something I actually did try to take your advice from the beginning of last year. I didn't get injured in crossfire like you and mom and dad assumed. I took a swan dive off a building after meeting our hero all might who like everyone else told me I couldn't be a hero. Now how do you feel..... I don't actually care."

I watched him walk away without a word.

I had already known it in my heart.

I had known what really happened.

Something about his story had just not added up.

The next moment All might walked up and i still had no idea what to say.

Had he heard?

(of course he heard)

What were we going to do.

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