chapter 8

204 5 3

Nov 21 2020

Mar and leo found the house and took Leah and Mattias back home. When Francisco found out what happened he was mad but kinda calm at the same time, he didn't let Leah and mar see eachother for about a year and Leah was mad at her dad

You see she kinda fell in love with mar and at this point she didn't know what to do.

*knock on the door*

Leah: come in

Francisco: I have a job for you

Leah: what is it

Francisco: its a bit dangerous but I think you can handle it, go to * rando location* and pick up the drug money its about $5,000

Leah: that doesn't seem to dangerous

Francisco: only the fact that you have to get through security and many people know you

Leah: i can do it dad chill

Francisco: ok start getting ready the time u need go is 4:50pm

*Francisco leaves the room*

*leahs mind*
Finally my dad let's me do sumthing
You see after the whole kidnapped incident he was kinda scarce with me getting hurt or doing anything dangerous, yeah he might be a drug lord  ut he still cares about me.

I get ready for the job take a shower and put this on:

Once I'm done I check the time "its only 4pm so I watch a bit of tiktok cause the location is about 30 minutes away once its like 4:15 I grab my car keys and drive to the location

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Once I'm done I check the time "its only 4pm so I watch a bit of tiktok cause the location is about 30 minutes away once its like 4:15 I grab my car keys and drive to the location...

Once I get there I greet the people there while being able to get past security I walk to the back of the building and see 3 older men and we start the business

Leah: do you have the money

Guy 1: umm kinda

Leah: wdym KINDA

guy2: well we have half the money

Leah: And Where Is The Rest

Guy1: well we might have spent it...

Leah: you guys are dead Give me the money

Guy3: here have half and we'll pay you the rest on Thursday

Leah: Nope I need it tomorrow

Guy2: fine we'll  make it

Leah: you better

I really want i  the mood to kill sumone so I let it go but then someone  showed up, sumone I hadn't seen in 5 months, yup u guessed it the one and only Mariano castano as much as my dad tried to separate  us we still find our way back to eachother

Anyways as soo  as I saw him I turned the other way and left the building.

He probably didn't see me cause I got outta there without any e chasing me
I got home and gave my dad the money  told about what happened except the part that I saw Mar there. He said it  was OK and that he would go tomorrow to get the rest.

I went up to room and closed the room it was already 8pm I watch "the order" on Netflix ( sadly I just found out they CANCELLED IT 😤😤) then I took a shower and put this on:

I went up to room and closed the room it was already 8pm I watch "the order" on Netflix ( sadly I just found out they CANCELLED IT 😤😤) then I took a shower and put this on:

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I watched a bit of tiktok and ended falling asleep at around 11:50.

Ok sorry for not updating i didn't know what to write cause my  mind is mentally Fucked up lol but yeah its currently 12:15am in psl Florida and I'm kinda tired soo yeah comment if yall have any ideas pls and thank you 🔪😁

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