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Jack's POV

I was thinking of taking Elsa go to see the rest of the guardians, because I know that she always wanted to visit them someday. So I decided to surprise into bringing her to North's but, but I will need to tell the others, so I told Elsa that I was going for some guardian duty.

Jack : Hey Snowflake, I have to go North's place, guardian duty.

Elsa : Oh ok, yeah go on, be back later.

Jack : Of course, I will Snowflake. Kiss her. Love you, Snowangel.

Elsa : I love you too.

Once I put out a snow globe out of my pocket, I say to  take me to North's place. Once the portal open, I jumped in and may have a rough landing, and see the yetis and elf making present for Christmas. I told them where is North, they pointed to his office.

Jack : Hey North.

North : Haha Jack Frost, We've missed yo boy. In his Russian voice,and give me a bear hug which I couldn't breathe.

Jack : N orth , C-an't Bre-athe.

North : Oh sorry about that.

Bunny : Well, you finally visited, It's been awhile.

Jack : Yep, miss making you mad. Bunny rolled his eyes.

Tooth : So Jack, How the Queen Elsa ?

Jack : Ooh she's awesome as always, I'm lucky to have her. All of them laugh. What ?

All : Nothing.

Jack : Ok, anyway I was wondering If it's ok if she would like to come and visit you guys maybe after tomorrow ? I mean, because I know that she always wanted to meet one of you guys someday.

North : Oh well, Of course she can come here for a visit, I'll give her a small tour in the workshop.

Tooth : OMG, I can't wait to meet the Queen and --

Jack : No Tooth, don't go and look at her teeth, try to self- control.

Tooth : AWW fine, I'm gonna try

Bunny : Jack seems to be protective of Elsa. Smirk

Jack : Of course I am, Don't anything happen to her. Probably think she'll think your a kangaroo. 

Bunny : Whatever.

Jack : Well, I just came back to tell you all if Elsa can come and visit you guys someday, I promise I'll be back, because she doesn't know about this.

Bunny : You left her without telling her ?

Jack : No, I told her that I have to come here for some guardian duty

North : We have no duties yet, but why did you lie to her.

Jack : Not a lie, I'm gonna surprise her tomorrow by telling her that she can visit you guys, that's why I ask if she can.

All: Oh ok.

Jack : Well I better get going. See you after tomorrow.

All : Bye. Good Luck Mate

Elsa's POV

I was walking outside after I finish  with some royal business. I saw Anna, Olaf, and Kristoff having a good time and laughing, I was out of the gate and saw how the village of Arendelle village is beautiful. Then I heard someone spoke.

Jack : Your kingdom is sure beautiful isn't it ? just like you are to me

Elsa : Oh Jack, Your back. 

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