Chapter 6: The Doctor

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After the little fortune from Castletown, Marin was on her way home, in deep thought. Before she could leave Castletown, she decided to make one last stop for a second opinion, and that was Dr. Borville's office. Dr. Borville, while despite deteriorating from old age, was still very successful and had been helping patients for 80 years respectively.

The young girl entered the office to be surrounded by the chemical scent that most Doctor's offices tend to have.

"Who's there? Can't you see I'm busy here?" the raspy voice of Borville said from his very small office.

"My name is Marin, I've come to just talk to you for a second." Marin stuttered before sitting on a very old chair in the waiting room "I apologize for bothering your work here....I hope my-" her sentence was cut off by the doctor's coughing\

"Alrighty then, m'lady. Go on into that little room over there" Borville replied as he guided Marin to his room "I remember being young like you, So young and energetic..... but look at me now, I'm reduced to nothing but a lil old stub" the doctor continued with a chuckle as Marin sat on the hospital bed "So, kiddo.... what seems to be troubling you?"

"You see, doc..." Marin started "I've been having these strange dreams.... about a small black and pink imp.... following me around...I remember last night, I had turned into a wolf and found the EXACT SAME IMP that was in my dreams!!! Is it, like a sign or something?" she took a few deep breaths. 

"That is the BIGGEST load of hogwash I have ever seen!" Borville forcefully yelled before it came out as a fit of coughing. "Is this some kind of sick joke that kids like you pull these days?! Because I'm not-" he froze before seeing that wolf head on the palm of Marin's hand.....

Marin sighed in disappointment, she had that gut wrenching feeling that the doctor didn't believe her story, before the doctor started examining the palm of her left hand.... "W-What are you doing?" she asked

"Where did this marking come from, miss? Is this a birthmark?" The doctor asked taking a closer look at the mark.

"Oh that?" Marin looked over "I don't know where that came from, I don't know if something got on my hand or anything but-" the doctor then took a picture of her hand and then took a quick blood sample. 

"I think I'm good to go for now, madam. Have a good day" Borville said guiding Marin out of his office. "I'll make sure to call you if I have any concerns"

Marin then walked off baffled... though she looked at the walls and right before her eyes, she saw the shadow of an imp walking beside her, she brushed it off as it might have just been some excuse of a hallucination. She fled the gates out to Hyrule field once again, to mount atop her horse once again. 

As she made her way through Hyrule back to Ordon, that exact same golden wolf was sitting at the other side of the bridge.... she stopped in her tracks, soon to have a staring contest with the wolf......

"Uh....hello?" She said before being tackled and eventually blacking out.....

To be Continued

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