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That night as I got ready and Iris was downstairs with my mom I was nervous but my mother told me not to be that it was going to be good.  I came down to see Aaron playing with Iris.  "Aaron what are you doing here?".  "Well I'm taking this little angel for the night we're going to have fun aren't we" as she laughed.  "Is this part of Zak's plan"I asked. 

The door opened and Zak came in looking hot. "Zakary don't you look handsome"my mother stated.  "Thank you and this is for you Leann"Zak said as he gave me flowers that he hid behind his back.  "Iris how cute Zak" as I chuckled. "Why don't you guys get going, I'll put these in water and Aaron why don't you take Iris?".  "But first someone needs a change"I remarked.  "You little stinker let's go upstairs" Aaron stated.  "I left the mask by the side of the changing table",Zak called out as I tried to not to laugh.

"Come on before he changes his mind" and we left.  "You look great tonight"I said.  "Thanks I have to tell you this was a little hard for me".  "Zak you don't have to impress me I just want to get to know Zak Bagans the father to my child"I remarked with a smile.  "All right first stop is my favorite restaurant are you allergic to seafood".  "I can clean out a lobster in a hour by my grandmother's word".  "I've never had lobster"he said. 

"Why?".  "I'm allergic to shellfish.  I never knew I had it untill I tried a clam's casino a few seconds later I started coughing and it felt like my throat was closing up. It wasn't untill Nick, he use to work with us stabbed me with his epi pen that I started to feel better so when we go out to dinner I make sure I have my pen with me".

After we had dinner Zak took me to his haunted museum.  When we walked in I was amazed by it.  "You collected these?".  "Some were giving to me"Zak replied.  "Zak I just heard someone say Iris" as chills went up my back. "Whoever said that say it again"Zak asked.  Then we heard it call my name. Zak walked over to a doll.  "I think I found our talker this is Lilly I think out of all of my haunted dolls she's the nicest"Zak replied.

"Who's the worst in your opinion?".  "That would be Peggy her reputation precede her.  If you got heart troubles don't go in there".  "I'll take your word for it"I replied.  "There's one place I have to take you to explain my glasses".  Zak took me to a room where they were dirt, stairs, and artifacts. "Demon House I remember Tyra trying to get me to watch it"I said.  "That was the scariest thing I've ever been through I locked myself in and when I went to the bedroom, I saw this black mass and when it went away I felt this painful pain behind my eyes". 

"So the pain did damage to your eyes?". "When I came out my eyes crossed resulting in double vision I developed a serious eye condition called Diplopia, but the strange thing is they couldn't find a reason why I got it I went to doctors in California and Las Vegas but now I'm force to wear prism glasses since this is permanent" Zak replied.

"Since we're being honest". I took a picture out of my purse and showed it to Zak.  "You wore glasses" he said in shock.  "Yea but my dad had me get it corrected when I was thirteen, he wanted everyone in the house to be perfect".  "No wonder he wanted to put Iris up for adoption" Zak replied. "Yeah having a baby with out a husband wasn't really normal for him" Leann stated. 

"I have to say being with you tonight has been fun I wish we weren't five sheets to the wind when we met" Zak remarked.  "Well if we weren't we wouldn't have Iris".  "True" as Zak started to rub his temple.  "You all right?".  "I feel a migraine coming on and the last one nearly put me in a hospital because it felt like my head was about to explode"Zak replied.  "Why don't we get out of here before you end up in the hospital again".   As we walked to the car Zak's migraine got worse.  "Thank god I know how to drive stick" as I helped Zak in the car. 

When we got home I helped Zak to his room and laid him on his bed. "I'm sorry sometimes they come of nowhere". "Just lay down and I'll get a cold compress for your head".  As I went to the kitchen Aaron walked in. "Aaron what are you doing here and where's Iris?".  "At my house I asked my father to watch her which I shouldn't of because when I get back, I'll get why haven't you giving me a grandchild yet speech" as I chuckled.  "Why did you come back?"I asked.

"Iris had an accident and I forgot to pack a onesies for emergency why are you guys back" he replied . "Zak got a migraine while at the haunted museum"I remarked.  "That sucks look his migraine medication is in his bathroom if he needs it" Aaron replied.  "Thanks Aaron" and he left.  When I came up Zak had fallen asleep so I put the compress on his head, took off his glasses and shut the door quietly.  After that I went downstairs and decided to watch DEMON HOUSE.  After I finished I understood what Zak was talking about.

ONE NIGHT STAND WITH ZAK BAGANSWhere stories live. Discover now