Chapter 15 (Pipers POV)

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Alex and I sit on the counter of the sinks.

She buries her head in my chest.

"I love you." She says in a muffled tone.

I kiss her head lightly

"I love you too." I whisper in her ear.

Alex pulls away and I hop off the counter.

Big Boo walks into the bathroom kissing and carrying a girl.

I sigh and look away. I hear small giggles come from where Alex is standing.

Its like Im dating a child...

Big Boo hears Alex and breaks from the kiss, still holding the girl and not looking ashamed at all.

"Sorry. Didn't know this bathroom was taken... We wont make to much noise." She walks in the only stall with a door and locks it behind her.

As soon as the stall door closes, Alex and I hear moaning.

Alex goes to take a seat again.

"Wha-! Uh! Why are you so immature Alex!" I start to laugh as I grab her arm and pull her out of the bathroom.

Alex laughs and willingly lets me pull her along.

We go outside into the courtyard. Alex sits by our tree and pulls up a book.

But I need to do something other than sit still.


I reach the track as a grin spreads on my face.

I start in a jogging pace, but then I flat out sprint around the track.

I catch a glimpse of Alex watching me. And that only makes my grin grow wider.

Alex watches me sprint as fast as my legs will carry me.

I finally cant breathe from all the running, and feel tired from all the sprinting.

I stand still for a second before dropping to my knees. And sitting on the ground, and bending over trying to regulate my breathing.

Alex sprints over to see if Im okay. Im still heaving like a mad man, so I settle for giving her just a simple thumbs up.

She sighs in relief.

"Pipes, take it easy. You'll kill yourself at this pace if you keep it up."

Alex grabs my hand and gently helps me up.

I stumble backwards a little.

Alex keeps one hand linked with mine, and puts another on my back to steady me.

After I successfully stand by myself, Alex finally guides me over to the tree we hang out at.

I plop down at the bottom of the tree. Alex lowers herself aside of me.

She puts her hand square under my chin and points my face towards her.

Then she closes the distance.

The kiss we share, is gentle, loving and gentle.

Not that it matters after a few seconds.

Things get more heated by the second. We kiss as if out life depends on it.

Her tongue skims mine and asks for entrance. I decide to tease her and don't allow it.

She whimpers a little and I smile into the kiss. Alex lets out a low growl and I open my mouth a little.

Her tongue slips its way in, and we fight for dominance. But Alex wins.

Alex's tongue explores my mouth, every single crevasse.

The kiss is about to get even better, but before it can, the guards call out and order us in.

I groan and pull away. Both Alex and I gasping for air.

I give a small chuckle and look at her. She leans her head on my shoulder.

Alex stands and pulls me up with her.

We walk into our dorm and split ways to go into our own cubes.

I walk in, expecting the cube to be empty since Red is always off doing who knows what.

But before I can walk in, Im called into Healy's office.

Oh shit.

I spin around and walk towards his office.

"Yes, Mr. Healy?" I ask politely.

"Sit down." He says in an emotionless voice.

I sit and he looks at me.

"I thought that I should inform you, that the track is being closed down." Healy doesn't even seem bothered by this.

"What!" I ask outraged.

"Budget cuts," Is all he replies with.
"You can leave now."

And with that, I storm out.

They cant! I think to myself. Its the only thing that makes me feel normal!

I head back to my cube and plop down, trying to figure this out.

Maybe I could... No.

Or I can... No.

There are no ways for me to stop the track from closing down.

Alex comes by my cube like we agreed on, and sits next to me.

I grab Alex's hand and lead her toward the chapel.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks.

"Lets get out of here." Is all I respond with.

When we enter the chapel, I spin Alex so shes facing me.

"What are we doing here?" She asks in a confused tone.

But I just kiss her fiercely.

And then?

We finish what we started earlier.


Long-ish chapter I guess. Oh, and Im taking a little time to thank all my readers for the votes and I would just like to mention how much you guys inspire me.

And I would also like to give a quick shout out!!

This chapter is dedicated toward my very loyal reader... *Drumroll....*


I really want to thank you for all of your feed back and inspirational comments!! They mean the world to me!!

And on that note... Im off little spoons!! Hope enjoyed this chapter!!

~ Gabrielle💁

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