Class 1-B

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Sorry but this chapter is going to be really short because I do not know a lot about 1-B so I will try my best. This is also the last chapter.



This is 1-b so you would think that they are easier to handle. They aren't. They also act like they are not training to be heros but entertainment people instead. They act like they are the best yet they always ask for help on the littlest things. This one kid, mona something. He makes me like Bakugo.

The first time we heard about villains attacking class 1-a (not Surprising) they all locked the doors and covered the windows. They then turned off the lights and cuddled on the floor with blankets and pillows to watch a disney movie. What? Are they a bunch or preschoolers?

The next time we heard of a villain attack, I forced everyone to go towards the danger. Some of them cried. Am I babysitting kindergartners or am I training heroes? They all kept on trying to run and hide with each step that I took. When we finally got to the scene, the police were getting ready to leave.

They all where really surprised when I slept on the ground. Like, I am a underground hero people. I work at night and you expect me to teach full time during the day. Do your research.

The kids kept on trying to get me to teach in homeroom. Like come on people, you are high schoolers trying to become heroes. Be more independent.

In the end. I can conclude that they are all baby's and that they should be kicked out. None of them are fit to be heroes. 

I have never been more thankful to have a class like 1-a. 

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