act twenty-three { a journey to the future }

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"The 30th Century? As in the future? As in a thousand years from now--"

"Yes, there's only one Thirtieth Century!" Chibiusa quickly interrupted Sailor Moon's rambling questions. The Guardian huddled behind Sailor Star in a flash. 

Catching her breath after a long sigh, Miya nodded to her friend. 

"We're all sorry for the disaster that followed our arrival, but we came here for your help. We were hoping that if we gave the Black Moon Clan the brooch, they would give your friends back in return and possibly let our home go. Of course now, we see that was never going to happen." Mako tightened his hold on Miya's trembling hands. 

The full truth of the travelers from the future finally dawned on the Sailor Guardians. They couldn't be angry at three kids looking for a way to save their planet. They were alone, carrying a mighty artifact, and were followed by circumstantial disasters.  

"Don't worry." Sailor Star spoke up. "We will get our friends back and help you return to a safe home." The mere mention of home made the kids shudder. 

"I don't want to go home. There's no light, no life, nothing. Everything's dead." Mako spoke under his breath. 

"We'll all be with you, Mako. When we're by your side, there's nothing you should be afraid of." The gold-haired Guardian crouched to meet the boy's eyes. 

Flashes of light captured the Guardians before a clock chimed. Mamoru, now back in his civilian-dress, gasped at the time on his phone. 

"It's getting late and after this night, I don't think I'm the only one who's ready for bed."

Chibiusa rubbed her eyes at the thought of sleep. Their long day pulled her mind from the thought of rest. "The day's been too long." Miya snickered when she caught her friend from falling to the ground after a long yawn. 

"Oh, it looks like someone is ready to sleep~" Usagi stretched her arms in the air as she poked fun at the girl. She wasn't far behind collapsing to the ground, but she wouldn't admit it yet. She and Minako hassled a sleep-walking-zombie that was Chibiusa ahead of the group.  

A sigh with the power of pushing mountains past Miyako's lips when she stood tall. Her shoulders roared with fire when she rolled them back and her feet ached with every move she made. Alive. Relief flooded her mind when Nova jumped into her arms. Feeling the cat's fur was proof she was alive. 

"...happy that you have your memories back! You don't know how long I was looking for you! I spent weeks and months in and out of..."

"N-Nova!" The dreammaster's smile widened tenfold when she stared into her owner's ocean-blue stare. "Could you always talk?"

"Hm-mm! I can do many more things, but because we weren't sure if you were, you know, one of us from the past, we kept our snouts zipped."

Between being zapped by a black crystal, fighting as a Sailor Guardian, and regaining old memories she believed her dreams, the fact her cat could talk totally flew over the teen's head. Miyako was undoubtedly happy Mako remained the same--his quick body jumped into her vacant arms the second Nova jumped down.  

"Well, this was an eventful night." Twirling the boy's hair with a finger, Miyako stared at him with all her focus. All the hairs on her skin stood straight when she heard a voice call for her. 


"I think a good sleep is calling us now. Good night."

Mamoru was left to watch the girl's back walk away from him. Miyako didn't spare him a glance at all.

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