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   Dan scrolled through Tumblr with Phil's head on his lap, ruffling his fingers through his hair.

   "Aw, look," Dan said, pointing out a Phanart of him and Phil kissing. "We have such talented fans."

   Phil nuzzled Dan's arm in agreement.


   "Let's watch Buffy, Phil," Dan said, putting the disc in the DVD player and sitting on the sofa with Phil in his lap.

   Phil looked up at Dan with his wide blue eyes. Dan poked his nose.

   "You're cute, but you'll never be as cute as him."

   Phil made a noise of discontent. Dan only looked sadly down at him.


   Dan carried Phil to his room and pulled him under the covers with him, stroking his back. He felt hot tears forming in his eyes and he squeezed them shut, clenching his fists.

   "I miss you so much," he sobbed, and pulled his duvet over his head. "Why did you have to leave me? Was I not good enough for you?"

   Phil licked Dan's arm with his papery tongue comfortingly. Dan shakily pet his black fur as he cried some more. Phil meowed mournfully as he witnessed his master's grief.

   "Why did you have to go and die on me," were Dan's last words before he fell under a fitful, dreamless sleep.


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