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Today was the day! Louis finally go to go back to uni. He'd been finishing his uni work the whole weekend and was up and pumped to start again. He'd made some decent conversation with harry, he still had to let go completely of max and harry was helping. He could feel himself so close to falling in love with the mafia leader and its okay. He would make sure to be harry's only. Whatever he needed to do for that. He had gone to the kitchen to get something to eat before heading for his first class when he was met with a shirtless harry making some tea.

"morning cub" harry smiled

"morning sir" Louis retuned the smile and harry turned around to hide his frown. Louis still called him sir...he opened up a bit but always called him sir...maybe it was time for change?
"yeah?" Louis whispered and looked at the curly man he was falling for just hoping he'd be enough to win his affection

"do you dislike calling me 'sir'?"

"umm..i...ummm. I mean-" Louis stammered

"good. Harry it is then" harry said and smiled. He walked over to Louis and placed a gentle kiss onto his lips.

"okay si-harry" louis smiled

"so how are you getting to uni?" Harry asked genuinely curious. Nobody knew about them yet so it was safe for Louis to go in and out himself.
"that is a very good question..." Louis realised he didn't have his car with him.

"ill drop you" harry said with a questioning tone.

"sure haz" Louis smiled and hoped harry wouldn't mind the nickname.

"if you call me haz, I shall call you lou" harry said with a fake pout. How can a man be dangerous and cute at the same time?
"accepted" Louis laughed and got a bowl of cereal.

They sat together at the kitchen table and just joked around for a while about the news and people and friends. It felt more natural than they have been for the past few weeks. After a good breakfast (harry had gotten himself a tee by then) they went to the garage to get out harry's Mercedes.

When they reached the gate. Harry gave Louis a quick peck on his lips making Louis blush like a school girl. He was dressed in tight black jeans and one of harry's t-shirts. He smiled wished him goodbye and left. When he entered he saw many of the boys looking at him with hungry eyes. He used to love the attention but now he finds it creepy. He walked to his locker and met a happy Niall who filled him up with all the gossip. How Tina tried to take his place as best fuck and lost miserably, how some teacher tried to kiss his student and got kicked out and other weird stuff like that. They reached class and Louis got the usual cat-calling and dirty talk which didn't really matter anymore. He went and sat down in his seat and started his classes again. Finally.

Once harry dropped Louis off, he had to get to business. He had a lot of work to do...he had to read through some more progress reports form other drug lords, he had to go speak to his supplier and check on his workers. He also had to go collecting form the man who was giving trouble. So yes, he was a very busy man. He reached styles manor and went to his office. He finished going through all the reports and made a good call with his supplier. Now all that was left was to talk to one of his clients and check on his employees.

He sent a quick text to Zayn and asked him to come with him. Zayn sent back a 'cool' and told him to meet in the garage. They both got into one of harry's cars and were off to the man's house.

After about half an hour they reached a shady looking mansion. They look at each other and with a stent nod entered the house grounds. The place smelt like death, not like harry wasn't used to it. When they reached the door, Zayn knocked lightly. When they got no answer he knocked a little harsher. The door still didn't budge. So harry pushed it and to their surprise it opened. They walked in and heard small whimpers. Harry and Zayn walked towards the noise and found themselves in front of a door. The closer they got the harsher the whimpers became. Zayn looked to harry for approval and he nodded. Zayn then opened the door to find a girl lying there naked and a man trying to open her up from the small ball she was curled up into.

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