7: 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

53 5 0

Dami Pov

For some reason I'm extremely nervous. My throat feels sticky. My palms are sweaty and my stomach is doing gymnastics. I've never felt more nervous in my life.

I mean it's just a group of witches coming to judge me to see if I'm enough to save their friend. Yeah totally normal. A part of me is hoping all of this is just some sick joke. But deep down inside of me I'm actually kind of excited about what's happening. And when I say deep down I'm mean really deep down.

Startling me from my thoughts is three loud bangs on the door.

Before I can even think about getting up, Bora is up and letting 6 unknown strangers into my house.

Standing there in the hallway near the living room are some of the most attractive people I've seen in my entire life. How are they able to stay successfully hidden? If they're striking good looks weren't enough most of them had extravagant hair colors.

Me being the socially awkward person I am with nothing but a sheepish smile and wave, just stand there looking like and idiot.

"Uh hi." A man with short blue hair decides to speak up giving me a no more timid than mine wave.

"Introduce yourselves!" Bora says as she hits the shoulder of a man with white hair.

"Right, I'm Baekhyun." The white haired man says while rubbing his shoulder. He has this sort of powerful aura around him. I kind of scared me.

"That's Taehyung. I apologize in advance for anything he does, he's not the brightest person." The blue haired man waves at me enthusiastically.

"This is Jeongyeon." My attention turns to a pretty girl with short brown hair. She has a fierce but cute look. "Don't worry she's not as intimidating as she looks." The short haired brunette shoots the handsome man a hard glare and rolls her eyes.

"The other two are Wheein and Seungyeon. There's no separating those two. They're a package deal." He finally finishes of his introduction.

"Now that that's out of the way..." he straightens out his jacket and takes a seat at my dining room table. "We need to get down to business."

"First things first. Although I assume Bora has told you about our situation, I don't think you completely understand how desperate we are."

"Do not be mistaken. The task we are trying accomplish is not simple. The fact that we even request outside help should elaborate to you how difficult the task at hand is. We are on borrowed time and out friend might not have that much longer to live."he states matter of factly.

"If you don't mind may I interrupt" All eyes turn to look at me albeit surprised at the sudden interruption, Baekhyun nods for me to continue. "What exactly is this so called task at hand?" I ask the question I've been wondering since the beginning of this whole ordeal. "From my understanding you guys are just expecting me to walk straight into my death with no complaints"

He chuckles at that. "No need to be hasty. That'll all be explained when the time is right." He stated keeping his calm composure despite my clear annoyance at the whole situation.

"Before I can explain the full situation to you, I need to make sure you are fit for the job. As of now you are in training to become a...." he takes a dramatic pause.

"A monster hunter."

To be continued......

Thank you guys so much for the love and support you've given on this book❤️
I would have never thought one of my works would reach 1k reads:) I'll be back to updating this regularly now:)

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