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The next day, once they had been discharged from Madam Pomfrey's care, Gene and Harry made their way to find Professor Lupin, after some discreet advisement from Dumbledore. This can't have been good, she thought.

As Gene went to knock, Lupin spoke, "Hello, you two." her hand lowered in surprise, "I saw you coming." he gestured to the map, turning and Gene finally saw the extent of his injuries from the night before, "I've looked worse, believe me." he assured them upon seeing the look of shock on their faces.

"You've been sacked." Harry glanced around the room, seeing almost all of his things packed away.

"No. I resigned, actually." Professor Lupin corrected him.

"What? Why?" Gene asked, her brows furrowed.

"Well, it seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition." Gene huffed under her breath, shaking her head. Snape. "This time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving and parents will not want- well, someone like me teaching their children." Professor Lupin continued, though he didn't sound upset.

"But Dumbledore-" Harry began.

"He has already risked enough on my behalf." Professor Lupin argued, "Besides, people like me are, well, let's just say that I'm used to it by now."Gene's jaw clenched at the mere thought. It wasn't fair. None of it was. Sirius was gone and now Professor Lupin. "Why do you both look so miserable?" the Professor offered a small smile and Gene realised they both shared the same thoughts.

"None of it made any difference. Pettigrew escaped." Harry shrugged.

"Didn't make any difference?" Professor Lupin said, rounding the table, "It made all the difference in the world. You two uncovered the truth and saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference." he smiled, "If I am proud of anything, it is of how much you have learned this year. Now, since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you both. So now I'll say goodbye. Harry. Gene."

At that moment, Gene was so overwhelmed with emotion, she didn't think twice before stepping forward and wrapping her arms around Professor Lupin in a hug. He stumbled back a step and with a laugh he patted her back, returning it as best as he could. Gene breathed out, pulling away and returning to Harry's side.

"I feel sure we'll meet again sometime. Until then- mischief managed."

Professor Lupin waved his wand and the contents of the map disappeared, before he collected his things and was on his way, and the pair found Dumbledore stood at the bottom of the steps that lead to the office, gesturing for them to come down.

"Last night, I thought it was my dad who'd conjured my Patronus. I mean, when I saw myself across the lake. I thought I was seeing him." Harry began to explain to Dumbledore who was walking them to the courtyard, students preparing to leave for Hogsmeade Station.

"An easy mistake to make," Dumbledore said. 'I expect you're tired of hearing it, but you do look extraordinarily like James. Except for your eyes. You have your mother's eyes."

"It was stupid, thinking it was him," Harry shook his head, "I mean, I knew he was dead." and this had Dumbledore stopping in his tracks for a moment.

"You think the dead we have loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?" he glanced between both Gene and Harry, "Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him. How else could you produce that particular Patronus? Prongs rode again last night."

Gene caught onto his words instantly, eyes widening and he chuckled softly at the sight of the two looking at one another in surprise.

"Sirius told me all about how they became Animagi last night," Dumbledore said, smiling. "An extraordinary achievement, not least, keeping it quiet from me. And then I remembered the most unusual form your Patronus took. You did see your father last night, Harry. You found him inside yourself."

And with that, Dumbledore had left them with kind words and jumbled thoughts. So really, it was any other day at Hogwarts.

As they boarded the Hogwarts Express, Gene couldn't help but feel terrible as she wondered where Sirius was now. She was going home, to Aurelia, where her home had been her entire life and yet, here she was wishing she was with Sirius too.

She didn't want to take Aurelia for granted, for she was more grateful to her than words could ever begin to explain. She was glad to be going home. The thought of all the stories Aurelia could have told her about Sirius and her mother made the terrible sinking feeling in her stomach disappear very quickly.

Gene was shaken out of her trance by Ron nudging her in the side, wondering if she was ready for a third round of Exploding Snap, though her eyes were transfixed on something outside. It came closer and closer, though somehow, it barely grew bigger as a very small grey owl was bobbing outside of their window, carrying two letters that seemed to be dragging it down. It kept falling behind, doing its very best to fly forward to catch up, and Harry quickly opened the window and grabbed it.

She saw her name addressed on one letter, Harry's on the other and the smiled widely at one another.


I do hope you'll forgive me for not staying longer. Buckbeak and I are in hiding, as you'll find I've told Harry as well.

Gene glanced up at Harry, who had Ron peering over his shoulder to read his letter, with Hermione over her own.

That locket you wear, I gave it to Dumbledore twelve years ago, to give to you. I'm sure you'll have wondered where it came from. It belonged to your mother. She would have wanted you to have it.

Gene's hand immediately went to her neck, fingers grasping the small locket with a smile.

I hope you know that I think of you always, Gene. I have for the last twelve years, and I will for the next. Forever.

If you ever need me, I'll be there. Just send me an owl. But not Fig. He tends to cling.

Be good for your aunt.
I love you, Gene.


She smiled as she folded the letter back up, placing it carefully back into its envelope and lifting her head, eyes widening as it appeared as though Ron was offering up the small owl to Crookshanks, aware of the fact that Stella was useless.

"What d'you reckon? Definitely an owl?" Ron asked and Crookshanks purred.

"That's good enough for me. He's mine." Ron said in contentment, clutching the small owl close to him, though it looked desperately as though it wanted to break free from his hold.

Soon, they arrived at Kings Cross Station, Gene having not let go of the letter as she wanted to show Aurelia as soon as she found her on the platform. She spotted her in the crowd, waving Gene over as she stood in between Mr. Dursley and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, acting as a sort of barrier between the two.

"What's that?" Mr. Dursley seemed to snarl at Harry from beside Gene and she frowned.

"It's a letter from my godfather." Harry said, very happily indeed.

"Godfather?" he muttered."You haven't got a godfather."

"Yes, I do," Harry smiled. "He was my mum and dad's best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though. Keep up with my news- check I'm happy."

"I should mention he's my brother-in-law, also." Aurelia suddenly spoke, leaning toward Mr. Dursley, who suddenly took three great big steps backwards, his face twisting into one of horror. "This one's father." Aurelia nodded towards Gene, "Wizards- what can you do?" she shrugged, winking at Harry before wrapping an arm around Gene's shoulder, turning them away to leave the station.

Gene glanced over her shoulder at Harry, waving him off with a great smile, and she soon found that she was, in fact, the happiest witch there ever was.


that brings us to an end on the revelation! of course this is only book one and there are more to follow...

if you are reading this then thank you so much!!! im not a writer by any means and i purely do this just for fun so if anyone at all is enjoying this then im happy!!!

and with that, gene and i bid you farewell, and we shall see you next time <3

THE REVELATION | RON WEASLEY [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now