Part 19

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After a few days passed I noticed that Professor Snape spending time with Pansy,Draco and Blaize. He was always hanging out with them. I started to get envy of them I didn't know why though. While i was reading at the corner I heard them daring Pansy to tell Professor Snape that i hurt her. I was so shocked and i hid the corner so they won't see me while they were walking.

I told Harry there plan he got so angry but I calmed him down. When I finished my classes i was heading to the fountain Professor Snape were talking to Draco and when he saw me he gave a signal to Pansy. Pansy started to run and fake sobbing. "What's wrong Pansy" Asked Professor Snape while calming her. "She hurt me she wanted to kill me." She stated between her fake sob.

"Where is she?!" He shouted Draco pointed his hand to me. He was so angry so he walked towards me. "How dare you hurt and threaten a student!" "Bu-" Before I could even finish a world he slapped me. I fell on the ground and looked at him.  Tears started to drop from my eyes i got up I started crying and ran to my room. While i was running I didn't look at my way and bumped to someone it was Professor Lupin.

"Luna dear what happened?" He asked while holding my hand. I hugged him and started sobbing. Professor Dumbledore was walking and noticed us. He rush towards us and asked what happened. "He- he hit me." I stated between my sobs. "Who hit you dear?" Professor Dumbledore asked concernedly. "Professor Snape." I stammers. "What Severus hit you?" Professor Lupin growled. I nodded and sob in his chest. "Dear why did he hit you" Asked Professor Dumbledore i shakes my head and replied "I don't know." I looked up.

Professor Lupin gasped he looked at my face and stated "Luna your face god come here let's go to him!" I shaked my head and he pulled me so I followed i and Professor Dumbledore followed him. When we were getting closer to him hid behind the Professors back. When we got there "Severus how dare you hit a child especially Luna!" Professor Lupin growled.

"She hurt a student and she even threaten her!" He growled back. Professor Dumbledore looked back and asked me "is it true dear?" I shake my head hugged Professor Lupin back and replied "I didn't do anything sir. I would never threat someone. Yes i'm rude and mean but i will never hit or threaten someone." I started to sob.

"Severus who told you that she hurt someone?" Professor Lupin asked.  "Miss Parkinson! She run towards me crying." He hissed "and you believe her" Professor Lupin yelled at him. He nodded and raised an eyebrow. He stated "Look what you did to her!" He pulled me and everyone saw me face with red marks of his palm. He was shocked and he stepped forward i hid myself behind Professor Lupin. "See now Severus she's scared of you!" He yelled he turned around and said  nicely "Come here Luna let me take you to Madam Pomfrey." He grabbed my hand slowly and brought me to the Hospital Wing.

When we entered room madam Pomfrey ran towards us and Professor Lupin placed me to the closest bed. Madam Pomfrey healed my face and asked "who did this to you dear." I looked in the other way and Professor Lupin answered "Severus poppy. Severus did this." Madam Pomfrey was about to say something but Professor Lupin shakes his head so she didn't say anything more.

She went to the other patients. Professor Dumbledore walked in with Professor Snape. "May we speak to Miss White please?" Professor Dumbledore asked. When Professor Lupin started to walk away I got up in my bed rushed to him hid at his back and hugged him. "No you don't have my permission. Go away!' I stated. Professor Lupin hugged me back and said "Luna they want to talk to you." "But I don't want to." I growled. "Fine go sleep you need some rest it's getting late." He stated.

"Fine but I don't wish to go back to our dormitory." I stated angrily. "And why is not?" Professor Dumbledore asked. I looked at Professor Snape and growled "Because I don't want to get hit again just because a of a not very special person believes a filfty brat!" "Well then i have an spare room you can sleep there if headmaster agrees." Professor Lupin stated. We both looked at headmaster and he stated "if you say so Miss White. But don't you want to hear your fathers excuse?" I replied "I don't think that Professor Lupin have any excuse Sir. (I looked at Professor Lupin) do you have any excuse Sir?" He was shocked and just shakes his head.

"Dear you know that i was not talking about Remus. I'm talking about your real father." He stated. I ignored the headmaster and stated "Professor Lupin mind showing me the room you were saying?" He looked at Professor Snape and stared at him I looked at him and saw that a tear is almost falling from his eyes. I shakes my head and got Professor Lupin's attention I looked at him with my eyes trying not to cry. He grabbed me hand and leads me to the room. He told me the password and opened it as we enter the room he flicked his wand and the room was cleared and he placed all of the things colored black. I sat on the couch and I can't hold my tears anymore.

He hugged me "shh Luna I'm here don't cry." "I just want to be loved by him I just want him to apologize to Harry." He just held me closer and I added "I don't care if he was a death eater i don't care that because he told the Dark lord that god damn prophesy that cost me mom's and almost my brother life! I just want him to love me the way that you do. I mean you do care about me and you treat me like your own daughter but j want to fell how my real father's love!!" He looked at me and replied "You knew everything?" "Of course i do! I know everything about him I even ordered Misty to spy on him just to make sure that's  his ok!" I sobbed.

He asked" you forgave Severus?" "I did mom told me to. But he believes her not me so why will I still going to be interested in him." "Shh Luna we need to go to the Great Hall and grab something." I wipe my tears and nodded. We went down stairs and he took a plate in the kitchen. He placed food in our plates and we started walking beside the student's they were all looking at us. Harry run towards us and asked me "Luna I heard what he did to you are you okay?" I nodded he added "I should have stay with you. I'm so sorry." I smiled and replied "No need Harry i'm going to be ok go back to your friends and tell them I said hi." He smiled and left.

Professor Lupin put his hands in my shoulder and whispered "everything is just fine." I smiled and whispered back "Thank you sir do you mind umm getting me blood. I can't control myself Professor." He nodded "give me your plate and i will wait to you in my room." He nodded and walked towards the staff while i went to my room and waited.

Severus Snape Unknown Daughter Where stories live. Discover now