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Chapter 51: Next Time I See You, Don’t Wear Lipstick

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Nan Zhi frowned, she could not hide at all with him holding her face in his hands.

She could only watch as his handsome face pressed down on hers helplessly. She wanted to separate herself from this moment, so she could watch it happen but not feel a single thing.

His sexy thin lips sealed hers tightly and a masculine cool breath with a telltale hint of the the cigar he must have smoked, filled her nose.

Nan Zhi closed her eyes in disgust, she knew that if she did not let him do what he wanted, she would never be able to get out of the car today.

This second stage of interview was very important to her and she could not afford to miss it. She had to bear with it. Her delicate hands formed into fists as her teeth ground together.

After pressing his lips against hers, the man stared at her with his deep dark eyes. There was not much lust in the depths of his eyes but there was a trace of evilness.

Her stiff body and facial expressions did not lie.

She really did not like being touched by him.

Interesting. In the past, the only women around him were those simpering fools who hung around pathetically, with no opinion of their own. Those women all tried different ways to just to stay with him. This one was different. She was interesting, enduring everything just to avoid him.

Perhaps it was because she was wearing lipstick today, he did not kiss her deeply.

He let go of her after a few bites of her soft lips. They were meltingly soft and he could not resist.

Her lipstick was stained on his thin lips making that handsome and wild face crazily arrogant and adding an sexiness that could not be explained.

No matter how much she disliked him, she had to admit that he did have the ability to make women surrender themselves to him.

He was ridiculously handsome and had a charisma that drew people to him.

Especially those dark eyes, when staring intently, could easily lead people to mistakenly believe that they were loved and pampered by him. But she knew it was all an illusion.

Fortunately, he was not her type.

Mu Sihan raised his hand, curled his index finger and scraped the corner of her lips. “Next time you see me, don’t wear lipstick.”

Nan Zhi swore at him in her heart. Pervert.

Whether she wanted to wear lipstick or not, it had nothing to with him. She knew she had to find a way to explain to him clearly after the interview that they should never meet again.

When he finally let go of her, she suddenly thought of an idea that would make him detest her.

After getting out of the car and breathing in the fresh air, Nan Zhi felt like she had been reborn.

She half ran to the broadcasting station, afraid that he would break his promise and chase after her.

She did not notice but the Lykan Hypersport sports car behind continued to follow her at a distance.

Mu Sihan rolled down the car window, a pair of sunglasses decked on his well-defined nose. He had a faint smile on his thin lips while looking at the retreating figure of Nan Zhi.

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